Hacking override tool module

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 48 days ago
Not Enough Votes

Now that there will be more room around functional blocks.

As an alternative to grinding everything with a computer to gain ownership, would it be possible to use something like the small control panel block to act as a hacking tool that could be placed on a block, that would then override the ownership of the block that it was placed on?

There could be a time delay before the hack becomes successful dependent on the block type or number of electronic parts.

Only the block that was hacked would be affected.

If a central ownership block existed, it could be hacked and it would override all other blocks on the grid

Replies (1)


While I agree that construction flexibility demands a way to hack blocks without winkling them out of the surrounding armour, I don't think your proposal would be ideal. It would make hacking a ship significantly faster and easier than in SE1, as you could, for example, attack a single external-facing block and take over an entire ship without facing any interior defences.

Perhaps a hacking tool that allows you to hack a block you have access to at the same speed as SE1 but hack remote blocks more slowly, so there's a tradeoff between hacking everything from the same spot and needing to fight/grind your way through the ship to take it over.

Edit: Perhaps speed should decrease proportionately to the number of blocks hacked remotely instead of directly. This would incentivise players to hack every block they can reasonably reach and only then hack blocks remotely.


My thoughts are mostly with yours. Using a grinder is a bit like the hammer seeing everything as a nail. I probably did not explain the hacking tool well. You place or build it onto a block that you wish to gain control of. It will not control any other block with one exception. If the block is a special block that controls the ownership for the entire grid, then by hacking this block full ownership of this grid will happen. There can be only one special ownership block on the grid, and could be well protected. Each type of block would have a time to hack value, it could also have a percentage failure to hack. If the hack fails then you would break out the trusty grinder, but I would suggest, that like battery cells, that computer parts are destroyed and would need replacing.

Whilst you are waiting for any hack to complete you can defend yourself. Theoretically you would be able to place hacking blocks as you moved through a grid and gradually as time passes more systems would come under your control, unless they were ground off before completion.

The central ownership block is there to save time after the grid is all but captured, and then is used to confirm your ownership of the grid. No need to hunt down as elusive hold out blocks.

To place this block on the outside of a ship would be an open invite and could make a good trap with event blocks triggering warheads.

The hack tool blocks would need removal after confirming the new owner.


The "hacking computer" plugin is one of my favorite... On the contrary - the concept of "ownership of blocks and grids" as implemented in the game is, in my opinion, strongly ill-conceived. And especially for non-player factions.


Do you think that all grids should be created as neutral with option to secure some essential areas?

How would targetting and threat evaluation be determined?

How would you prevent a wayward member of your faction from taking the helm of your capital ship and ramming the nearest asteroid?


Um... Apparently you're right.

There's no easier way in this...


"If a central ownership block existed, it could be hacked and it would override all other blocks on the grid"

No, just no. It's easy enough to hack stuff as is, just more time consuming. As for the bit in italics that I quoted, this is an automatic non-starter and automatic no vote from me. Tying everything to one block like this would be a griefer's dream come true. All they have to do is hack a singular block and they can steal your entire grid. Yeah no, just no. WAYYYY too much potential for abuse for something like this.


Do you think that anyone would leave this control block undefended?

Have you ever tried a takeover in Empyrion?


I tried it... and I took it (144 hours of gameplay). Not a good and reasonable solution there either.

Well, yes. Controlling the grid, taking or maintaining control of the grid is a pretty tough problem.

Probably the best solution would be control by a "hacker computer" plugin, augmented with the ability to automatically counterattack "protection servers" if they detect the presence of a strange block in the controlled grid.

Plus the possibility of creating an automated defense system, such as autonomous firing turrets that have their own autonomous controls, unconnected to the rest of the ship.

In SE this would correspond to, for example, a gunnery turret design with its own battery on a magnetic plate. It remains in place, but is not an integral part of the grid. And thus is invisible to an attacker. And it remains combat capable even if the ship's power fails or is disconnected. Unfortunately in the SE the design of such a turret is quite problematic due to the very awkward shape of the turret.


Anti-Hack block? Like for some form of hacking counter measures?

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