Encouraging Videos

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 49 days ago
Not Enough Votes

Good videos on YT today 24thJAN from Keen, Zer0's Legion, Splitsie and Captain Jack.

Most encouraging.

I like the new ores, water pumps, new components, antenna, and the peek into the design process.

Question : Will the detail parts of the handrails or the grill work of the catwalks be eventually available as 25cm parts?

Replies (1)


The feedback forum is not the place to ask questions, that would either be a ticket, or you can wait and see when they release it.

A more proper way to use the forum would be to suggest something. Like

Please add Catwalk parts for 25cm grid size, give some reason to why and provide some example pictures so it's more attractive for others to vote for it.


This is true, but how do we say thank you to Keen for responding to issues brought up here? There were clearly responses in the videos to some of the issues raised on this feedback forum. They also filled in some of the blanks on the topics discussed here. Should you let people to continue to comment on areas that have been clarified elsewhere or do you suggest they watch the new content to bring the discussions up to date?


You can thank Keen by promoting the game to friends and or other people. So Keen gets the financial means to keep on going and keep doing amazing stuff like this.

If you want to thank them personally, theres a ticket system on the forum here which allows you to send messages directly to keenSWH that isnt the public feedback forum. Theres also discord, facebook, youtube and probably X channels where comments are more open ended allowing for a much more personal reply. If there is a spesific feedback thread they have completed that you feel happy about. its also possible to comment on that thread.

Posting non feedback threads here, takes away space from other users/creators threads. and makes the water muddy for everyone else.

Anything you see in a video that seems wrong, can be added as feedback. But it needs to be spesific:

Lets say youtube creator X shows off something that annoys you. Like a missing bend corner piece.

You can either: Wait for keen to release more blocks and see if they will include that piece in the future, which is possible.

Or if you are sure they arent going to implement that block, make a feedback thread.

New feedback -> Add missing bend corner piece -> Add an example picture of the missing piece you would like to see and a description to why this is important. (optional, but useful for other potential voters.)

This will have players upvoting your thread if its useful to them aswell.

Enough upvotes and Keen might add your missing bend to the game in the future.

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