For people with photosensitivity

Jaden shared this feedback 50 days ago
Not Enough Votes

I've been playing Space Engineers 1 for many, many years. I have almost a thousand hours in the game, and I've loved every single one of them.

Something I'm worried about for Space Engineers 2 is that I have a medical condition called 3PD. To sum it up, I get really dizzy from basic things like fast movement and bright lights. I was wondering if you could implement something that would allow gyroscopes to stop their movement.

I'm well aware that the game is not out yet, but I wanted to share this suggestion because I know more than one person has a similar condition where movement and flashing lights can be difficult to handle.

I understand the chances of this email making a difference are very small, but if by some miracle it does, and you need more information, I would be happy to provide it.

(PS even if it doesn't have the setting I will still be playing it)

Replies (4)


Do you mean something like an option to disable unnecessary animations? So things like rotors, hinges, turrets, doors, etc. will still be animated, but gyroscopes won't spin wildly?


Have you seen Kanajashi's SE2 Movement Preview on YT.

He talks about the new magboots giving a smoother view when walking over uneven surfaces helping people with motion sickness.


If there isn't an option to disable the spinning you could create a small blueprint with one or more gryoscopes covered in the smallest armour pieces to block the view then use those instead of building them individually so you don't have to see the animation. Even if they do agree to add it this could allow you to play without the issue until such time as it is added.


By doing this you would be punishing people for their health problem... That's obviously not what you meant.

Useless/Non-functional animations should be able to be turned off in the settings. Either in the block settings, or better - globally as an individual server-independent choice. Somehow similar to how grass and trees can be set.

Among other things, because they eat up computing power...

Similarly, it should be possible to set (limit or disable) various sparks, flashes, reflections, flares... and other similar purely graphical effects.

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