Underground Ores and Better Ore Scanning

Bradley Johnson shared this feedback 55 days ago
Under Consideration

Something I'd love to see is an incentive to dig deeper underground. It'd be cool to actually go and mine underground. I'd love to see rarer ores spawn more the deeper you mine.

Perhaps water could even play a role in this, with some kind of water detector to alert the pilot of potential water ahead of them so that they can avoid it. Water would basically add a small challenge or risk to mining as it could damage your ship if your tunnel floods suddenly.

Currently in the original game, there is literally no incentive to dig underground. Ores only spawn near the surface of planets. The only reason to dig deep underground is for deep underground base building.

There should also be better ore scanning equipment.

  • Ore Detector - Basically what we have now; a basic scanner that simply scans the area for ores.
  • Directional Ore Scanner - An alternate method of scanning ores that can scan in the forward direction only (based on block orientation) at a greater distance than a standard ore detector. This would be useful for scanning for ores deep underground, however you'd have to aim where you want to scan.
  • Ore scanner computer - A device that can take the data from ore scanners and provide more detailed HUD graphics such as showing a rough depiction of the actual ore node rather than a simple HUD signal. This could help the player understand the size and shape of a node.

In the original game, ore detectors don't have a good detection range to them, which would be okay if there was an alternative like proposed above.

It would also be an interesting game mechanic if directional ore scanners saw blocks and components if large enough displaying them as ore nodes. With an Ore Scanner Computer the system could distinguish between actual ores and manufactured materials. This could allow enemy factions to find and locate hidden bases or stashes by slowly surveying the landscape. To combat this, players could build special walls that deflect the scanner, blocking it from scanning past the wall.

Replies (10)


I would add the ability to remotely scan - for example, asteroids, using a zoomable camera and a computer. The camera would be pointed at the object of interest and after some "reasonable time" it would give a result - for example it would mark deposits on the visible part of the asteroid or some area on the planet.

Deep-seated ores would be very appropriate. Though at least as generated around deep boreholes, tunnels and shafts.

My idea: a conventional ore detector (small grid) has a range and altitude of say 1000 meters and penetrates 50/100 meters below the surface of the object (asteroid or planet). It cannot see deeper buried ore. A "large detector" (for use on ships or as a static detector) has significantly greater long range and slightly greater depth range. The detection area is spherical in shape.

The "Directional Ore Scanner" operates in a radius of 100-200m and a depth range of 200-500m. It has to stand in one place for a reasonable time. The detection area is cylindrical in shape.

Ore Detector for Drill Rig - usually placed on the back end of the drill head or replaces the drill head. It must stand in one place for a reasonable time. The detection area is in the shape of a flat cylinder 1000 metres in diameter and 200 metres high. It may be replaced/complemented in the borehole by a directional scanner.

A remote "Optical Ore Scanner" coupled to a zoomable camera (e.g. by the Recon Camera plug-in) must operate for a reasonable time (dependent on the size of the imaged area) and has a depth range of only 15-20 meters - it can only see just below the surface of the planet or asteroid.


By the way - using the camera from the Recon Cameras plugin, you can clearly see some types of mineral deposits on asteroids that are different in color from the "regular rock" of asteroids.

It would be useful for the player to be able to mark deposits discovered in this way with a tag, and the "system" would automatically assign a label to the tag according to the asteroid designation and the mineral type of the deposit. The asteroid's internal numerical designation is amply sufficient as an asteroid designation, no need to invent names.


I really want this! I get quickly frustrated with how shallow and thin the planet's ore veins are. I want to dig a big deep hole and randomly come across ore veins as I go. eventually ending up making a mine rivaling the mines of Moria.

Also, it would be nice if asteroid Ore was not a perfect sphere every time. Please give it some shape! Maybe use a random asteroid, and turn it into a paintbrush. And use that to shape the ore

or use potato shapes. Even that would be better than perfect spheres.


Radio Spectrometry mod is an excellent, realistic way of scouting asteroids without the need to visit them. You just point an ore detector at an asteroid and it shows you a diagram, which lists minerals available on it. Finding precise locations of deposits requires going there in person and scanning with the ore detector.


This sounds like a great mid to late game progression tech. Simple ore detectors at first, then short range (larger range than basic, but not quite out of atmosphere) low depth penetration, then finally the long range (maybe 500km or something) deep penetration, with perhaps a medium in between. Expanding on that, you could do the same for atmosphere/water sensors. Or maybe the top tier would be a "planet resource scanner" type doohickey.

Seeing as Keen is looking to invest a lot more in the lore, having exploration-themed blocks would be neat and would give purpose and reward for progression.


In real life deposits are rarely ever in pure clumps, some do have "veins" but most are a mix of elements in conglomerates. There are mods in SE 1 that make up the ore distribution and mixed ore deposits with a wide variety of names. I think having that wide variety of scientific names would play well into utilizing a surveying and spectrometry like gameplay too. This also includes non-metallic crystalline elements too like Diamond, Quartz, Silica, etc... Figure out what kind of deposits you need to get a good haul of Metallic Ore or Non-metallic Crystalline with the right mix of elements you will need for components like plating, glass, or special components.


Love the suggestions here and I absolutely love the radio spectrometry mod from SE1, I don't play without it. Obviously that would likely get ported over, but having something like this as an official part of SE2 (credit to the mod owner for awesoem work) would be most welcome.


I like the idea of orbital ore scanning. Though it should be balanced a bit...

It shouldn't give you exact coordinates to go drill at. Rather, I think it should give you a radius that contains the ores somewhere in it. The closer you are, the more accurate the radius is.

However, the orbital/long-ranged scanner should be less accurate when you start to get too close, requiring the player to switch to an alternate scanner like a directional ore scanner.


I would love a simplified Seismographic survey, be a block, a probe, a cool physical operation by contact with a sound pulse.


I second this, at least something that would let us have a better understanding of where to dig, currently in SE1 I draw a rough sketch of the patches on a literal piece of paper, measure the "corners" and using Pithagoras theorem calculate the best spot to dig, which is a hassle to do


@Cymodai, I agree with the idea that the basic concept of ore detection should be revisited. Your thoughts bring to mind "prospecting" as a skill separate from digging, but I think an early design decision specifically precluded skill development and player leveling. Still, the idea of using seismographic methods is intriguing. One could build and set up explosive noise and deploy listeners to help locate the "something interesting is here" dig to find out.

@Richardo, I don't know any people in SE1 that approach the "where to dig" question using sketches and math. That's not to say it doesn't/shouldn't happen, and I might have had my head in the sand.

Everyone I know, finds a ping, moves as close as possible to position the ping underfoot, digs toward the ping, and then follow the vein where it leads. Most other methods follow that same basic formula excepting that some approach veins at an angle.

Digging machines are generally set and forget, play elsewhere, return and adjust the digging parameters with large tolerance for "over digging."


This is a rough sketch I used to mine a whole patch of minerals, I had to manually dig with my hand drill to find aproximate the perimeter of the whole patch, I use a drill rig that when inserted can expand and mine a cilinder of 50M in radius,

  • The marked dots: Are the insertion points to move and insert the minig rig the fewest amount of time
  • The SC#: are gps markers to measure and figure out the perimeter
  • The marked dots are calculated using simple triangle solving, measured on the field by foot and marked using gps


Also, there is this tool that can be used to create more random and harder to reach ore patches, it also contains a visualizer of the current ore distribution in planets



Having a visualizer like this is not exactly what I'm asking, but anything better that "there is some ore around here" that would allow the engineer to better figure out where and how much to drill would be nice


Definitely upvoted as it can be a pain in the arse, if you start in space, and need to find Uranium. It's ridiculously tough to find if you don't have an upgraded Ore Detector (mod or something). Anything (even if it's research or needs to be upgraded or add a bunch of mods, whatever) to make the searching for specific ores still a small challenge, but less crazy would be greatly appreciated.


With all the innovation, I'm surprised basic ore detection has not been revisited.

I would prefer that ore detection was an active not passive search. Instead of just lazily running or flying and watching for pings to simply show up, I'd rather the detection be manually initiated as a scan (regardless if the ore detection is by hand tool or ship ore detector. This would radically reduce the cpu load and allow for legitimate longer ranges without added burden to a host. That would also add in the possibility of upgrades and angular focus. With a scan arc reduced from 360 to a user selectable 45, 90, 120, or 180 degrees range could be extended with fewer rays being sent out. Server owners could locks these values down to suit their particular server capabilities and population demands.

Further, since different ores have different densities or structures, detectors could be ore specific and spread out on the progression tree.


Yeah I definitely wish there's a better ore detection method.

The ore detector in SE1 has way too small range, and there's only info about approximate location and type of an ore. Mining asteroids is extremely painful in my opinion, it requires a hell lot of moving even with a probe, and in many cases you won't find anything.

For me I hope the range could be massively increased, at the cost of vague information. eg. seismic (contact) scanners with multiple km radius, or directional scanner that goes extremely far in space but doesn't go deep through voxel, they'd first tell me whether an ore exists in the scanning range, just like what works in SE1. then I could use more precise tools to locate and evaluate actual ore veins and begin mining.


Az sem lenne rossz ötlet ha az uránérc is bányászható lenne. Bolygókon elérhető uránkészlet csak nagy mélységben.

500-600 méteren.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to mine uranium ore. Uranium reserves on planets are only available at great depths. 500-600 meters.


Also please Keen, add more ores (like SE1 Better stone mod)


For something like this to be reasonable to add Ore Scanners would require an overhaul as already mentioned, SE1's ore scanner were god awful and i hope to see them more fleshed out in SE2. Give us some immersion


I think the ore detector in SE1 is fine. For game balance purposes, ores should not be EASILY found. And I am for more different ores.


Unfortunately, looking for ore is not engaging and does not test engineering skills in any way. It's just a boring chore.


Looking for them in SE1 currently doesn't require engineering skills, but harvesting them efficienly do require engineering skills


mostly; but, large Roids can be a pain to scan


yeah, the directional scan would be super useful for scanning large Roids.

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