Store blueprints in a blueprint storage block. (survival)

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 57 days ago
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Use a block to store a blueprints data for use with a projector or weapon targetting in survival game.

Replies (5)


Isn't that just a projector with "keep projection" and toggled off?

I mean, I'n my 3d printer i have 7 projectors with 7 blueprints, i just toggle on/off whichever blueprint i want to use


Blueprints cannot be retrieved from a projector. I'd like to see some kind of storage block that can store and retrieve blueprints.


I would change is request to:

Add a data pad in each NPC/Enemy ship that contains the blueprint of that ship. When the ship is shot down or taken over the blueprint is in a cargo container or dropped in a temp container. That way any damage can be fixed by adding a printer and the blueprint if you want to keep the ship or even print your own ship.


Ahh, so a stored repair manual essentialy, so that it's easier to fix capped ships. That makes sense. Could probably be solved by having a projector block inside the npc ships with its own blueprint.

As a workaround for now. In SE1 you might find a way to extract all the NPC ships. Their blueprints should be stored in the game files i think. Let me look.


Found this:

you also can get them directly off your computer in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Data\Prefabs they are the 3 trade ships the 3 military ships and the 3 mining ships. you have to edit the file some in notepad++ to get them to be a blueprint you can use in game and place it in a folder inside the AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints\local folder

the lines you need to change are

<Prefabs> to <ShipBlueprints> <Prefab> to <ShipBlueprints> </Prefabs> to </ShipBlueprints> </Prefab> to </ShipBlueprints> also need to it seems after some testing to change the file name to bp.sbc

This would allow you to store the NPC blueprints in your blueprint list as a workaround. then you could place your own projector and just project the correct blueprint


It would be a more immersive method of sharing blueprints in Space Engineers to have some kind of data storage server/device that allowed you to store and retrieve ship blueprints.

You could even have a master storage vault for all of your ship blueprints in your shipyard, and if an enemy faction breaks into your vault, they could raid your top-secret blueprints for the Death Star.


Captured data should have value in game. A copy of a blueprint as a block or datapad can be used or destroyed. A blueprint can show the vital parts of ship or base. If the data is in a format that can be possessed, accessed, traded, and has use when fed into functional systems, then its value goes beyond that of its originator and becomes a prize.

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