Survival Refined
Survival would be great if it had resources spread around the planet and in space. Let’s say you have your base in a desert location. Here you can find, always basic resources, but unique for this location is gold. To find gold, you need to search for a dark patch on the ground. Step 2 you must put 3 basic scanners in a triangle. turn them on and wait 1 minute. There is 1/8 chance there is gold. then you mine. Later you can build advanced scanners that are faster and can find deeper ore then maybe you can find 1/5 of the dark patches. some of that the basic scanners would have missed. There are also just dark patches without any resources. So don't start digging on any dark patch.
If you want (for example) titanium, you need to go to the ice part of the planet, forest has a 3d, a 4th in mountains maybe something under water. some recourse should be located only off planet.
That way you must build mining facilities around the planet, mining stations in space.
Containers should have a timer to empty/load. That way there would be a reason to carry an empty container to a mining site, and faster to just exchange the container/s. Of course, you can automate when you have enough resources to build the AI blocks.
You will also have to protect the mining facilities and carrier ships from NPC attacks.
Al this at the same time, like they introduced in the first game. There should be ancient parts, that you cannot build, you have to find them first, grind off the attached grid, finally transport to your base/ship and install them.
If you do not like the grind, there should be a custom difficulty setting.
With sliders:
Make the load/unload containers faster.
Make attacks less frequent or not at all.
Make resources scanners faster
Make resources spawn (meteors fall) more frequently so you do not have to search as much.
Make resource gathering faster.
Make drills work faster in both modes, if they keep the same 2 mode as in first game.
But harder difficult settings should be locked.
Inventory sliders, character and containers
+more setting
Respect the grind, all hail Clang.
Hail Clang.
Have you looked at the transmutation of metals via intense electrical discharge, often found in calderas?
Hail Clang.
Have you looked at the transmutation of metals via intense electrical discharge, often found in calderas?
I need this! :)
I need this! :)
The universe (the real one) is more or less the same everywhere. Simply because it is created by the same processes everywhere. Everything - literally everything - heavier than hydrogen and helium comes from the ashes of long-dead giant stars that exploded as supernovae. That should be the basic assumption.
There is no element that is only found in space on asteroids but not on planets. Rather the opposite - some elements are only found in meaningfully extractable quantities on planets. On asteroids, they are found in quantities of " plutonium worth two cents and uranium worth one". Planets in reality are formed from millions of clumps of dirt and tailings, originally called asteroids, which are clumped together and compressed by gravity. Everywhere in the universe...
The universe (the real one) is more or less the same everywhere. Simply because it is created by the same processes everywhere. Everything - literally everything - heavier than hydrogen and helium comes from the ashes of long-dead giant stars that exploded as supernovae. That should be the basic assumption.
There is no element that is only found in space on asteroids but not on planets. Rather the opposite - some elements are only found in meaningfully extractable quantities on planets. On asteroids, they are found in quantities of " plutonium worth two cents and uranium worth one". Planets in reality are formed from millions of clumps of dirt and tailings, originally called asteroids, which are clumped together and compressed by gravity. Everywhere in the universe...
I like the overall idea of putting certain resources in other places, so you have to travel around. be required to go to different planets for resources. but instead of the probability of resources spawning I think using the ore detector as an antenna to see where the ores are located would be better.
I like the overall idea of putting certain resources in other places, so you have to travel around. be required to go to different planets for resources. but instead of the probability of resources spawning I think using the ore detector as an antenna to see where the ores are located would be better.
If you wanted to have different resources in different places, you would have to do a distribution where folks can still build all of the critical blocks to get from planet to planet in a reasonable time frame. Such as if you need cobalt to build Jump Drives, you would need to make sure there is at least trace amounts of it available on the other planets and locations so they can build a Jump Drive to get there in a reasonable time frame. You couldn't remove cobalt completely because then anyone who starts in the cobalt location is automatically leagues ahead of those who didn't to the point you've completely unbalanced the game. Now if you want to do that for your world/server that's perfectly fine, but you could never do that for the game as a whole. Because giving people the ability to make the jump drives fairly easy while basically telling others to hoof it for several hours just to get to the same place would be ridiculous. This is just an example, and I admit towards the extreme end of the spectrum, but you get the idea I hope.
I don't mind different resource distributions, but they would need to be done in a way that all start locations are still viable. And you would need to make sure one isn't given a super huge advantage over the other to the point that if you pick anything other than that particular start you're doing it wrong.
If you wanted to have different resources in different places, you would have to do a distribution where folks can still build all of the critical blocks to get from planet to planet in a reasonable time frame. Such as if you need cobalt to build Jump Drives, you would need to make sure there is at least trace amounts of it available on the other planets and locations so they can build a Jump Drive to get there in a reasonable time frame. You couldn't remove cobalt completely because then anyone who starts in the cobalt location is automatically leagues ahead of those who didn't to the point you've completely unbalanced the game. Now if you want to do that for your world/server that's perfectly fine, but you could never do that for the game as a whole. Because giving people the ability to make the jump drives fairly easy while basically telling others to hoof it for several hours just to get to the same place would be ridiculous. This is just an example, and I admit towards the extreme end of the spectrum, but you get the idea I hope.
I don't mind different resource distributions, but they would need to be done in a way that all start locations are still viable. And you would need to make sure one isn't given a super huge advantage over the other to the point that if you pick anything other than that particular start you're doing it wrong.
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