Airtight Greenhouses Replaces Oxygen Farm

Thomas Crawford shared this feedback 2 months ago
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I liked the oxygen farm block when the vine in it was more visible. I think surface mounted vines, or custom trees, or shrubs that require an atmosphere would give players more reason to put oxygen on their ship, cause it is sometimes easier to just rely on oxygen bottles and not worry about leaks. The player would then need to either use air vents to siphon air around the ship or an open passage, leaving them vulnerable for attacks. I think it would add to the organic asthetic to have ships with playermade curved glass pods on top, and everyone wants plantable trees anyways. Options could include trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, grass, glowing algae(paint), or just vegetation block, one of those depending on design choices. If it produces too much oxygen the game could be more balanced by increasing the oxygen tank to make bigger explosions for player weapons if needed

Replies (3)


An Algae tank would be cool for really big builds. If you fail to power it for long enough, it spoils and you have to get some more. Maybe you have some frozen that can be reseeded.


Based on the design from SE1, I think that the o2 farms were likely solar algae farms, regardless of what it grew, it was a greenhouse of a sort,

Not sure who this "everyone" who wants plantable trees is, but I don't. I already own Empyrion, 7d2d and many other games with farming, not interested in having that in SE myself, I play SE to be an engineer, not a farmer, when I want to farm I play other games. I also have to disagree with the ugly glass pods on the top of a ship, an argument can be made for them being on a station, but I don't like the idea of having to use that on my ship, I'll do without o2 on my ships if that's the only option. If other options are available, like the old o2 generator and farms so that I don't HAVE to use this, then I'm all for it, otherwiise, I personally am 100% opposed.


Much of this and more is also covered in the thread "SE2 Progression IDEAs"


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