Electric Cable + Electric Cable Connector Block/Outlet

Mikael Fortin shared this feedback 58 days ago
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For SE2

I Personally think that a way other than using block to keep a grid connected to an other seperate grid should be a great improvement.

Especially Electrical Cable.

Here how i see it :

1st - Put Electrical outlets on both grid.

Lenght limit 25 meters, Can put relay's betwen each line to extend the line (exemple 25M, Relay, 25M, Relay, 25m = cable total lenght 75 Meters).

2nd - use a cable roll to connect both outlets togheter.

3rd - Enjoy the abillity of differents installation possibillity of powering diferents buildings without having to dig tunel underground for each of them to have your base look neet.

Note: the 25 meter limit is an exemple, 35 meters might be more adequate.

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Replies (5)


I like it, it's like plugging in an EV rather than have to align and fit everything then fully dock


Exacly, electrical cable make more sense to recharge battery rovers & tier 0/1 ships.

I can alredy see me building a generator trailer to power light when mining in a far underground. :)


Do you mean a relay as some explicit object, or a tiny grid with two outlets that exists purely to allow you to plug something in further away?


A relay is just a block that act as a relay.

This -> : a 1x2x1 small block that have an input and a output. It cannot power a grid.

The Outlet connector is a 1x1x1 connectors that act as both input and output but can only connect one cable at a time.


Replying to bump this, currently I have a bunch of lights to illuminate a walkway within an asteroid, and I'm splitting my base up into multiple grids so they can sit at different angles in the rock. It'd be great if we could get power cables so we could run them along power lines through bases


Replying to bump this, currently I have a bunch of lights to illuminate a walkway within an asteroid, and I'm splitting my base up into multiple grids so they can sit at different angles in the rock. It'd be great if we could get power cables so we could run them along power lines through bases

(Why am I not allowed to delete the reply I accidentally put under another reply? I'll try again later


I love this idea. It is especially useful when you consider having a wind farm or sitar farm and just running a power cable instead of thousands of blocks, which have to all be aligned to your main grid.


i like your idea, someone else made a Power cable mod in SE1 so its very well possible

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