Power insulation block

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 58 days ago
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I have been reading other posts on powering and have been inspired to suggest a power insulation block.

There have been times in game where I would liked to have a way to power parts of a grid separately, so that one system on the grid would not drain all of the power of the entire grid.

Cabling systems can be fun, but also complex, as an alternative, would it be possible to have multiple powerable zones on a grid by isolating them with power insulation blocks, but still allowing control systems to operate throughout the grid, though occasionally I would like to hide some functional units on a grid too.

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Replies (2)


Isnt this just a timer block with on off toggle and a sensor or event controller to trigger? cause im guessing your talking about turning off lights, vents, doors etc. when noones around right?

I do this all the time with gravity generators, i have several spaced around the ship with a limited range to say... a room or a section of ship, and a sensor to turn it on when players are around and off when they leave? If thats the case, it seems like your just adding functions that we already have working solutions for? Two->three timers (Depending on if they are grouped or not) make a t-flip flop even if you really want max control. one set to toggle off, other set to toggle on.


Just had a thought, another alternative would be to have a selectable powering group on every block that is involved with power. 4 groups would probably be enough.

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