[New Feature] Gears & Things

Kennet0508 shared this feedback 57 days ago
Under Consideration

Back in 18 Sep, 2014 MechanizedIT posted what was definitely a real interesting mod called:

Mech's Mods: Gears & Things

- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315432320


This mod Contained tons of cool concepts that might be more realistic now with vrage 3:

Looking at what was included was:




Hinge (before we got the hinge)

Spindle Assembly

Tank Tracks

With tons of planned features that unfortunately never came to fruition:

Bevel Gear

Worm Gear



Ball Joint



Crawler Tracks

Threaded Shaft & Tapped Block (nuts & Bolts)

Curved Rack

Curved Rail

Pintle Hitch

Rotor Part Gears

Wheel Part Gears

This feedback post is mainly to highlight that there is a ton of features that would benefit the game by including some items from Mech's Mods: Gears & Things in SE2 that a simple piston, rotor and hinge just cant do as well in large scale

Replies (2)


In SE1 motors are used as pivots, do you see a need for an unpowered pivot(no motor) or axles that could work as a pivot for multiple joints?


The more the merrier there are tons of areas where i use unpowered hinges and rotors just to be joints where a piston would move it. However until we can manipulate grids in some way. we probably need motorization in some way for aligning things. as we cant currently use our hands to move a hinge up or down or spin a rotor.


In Zer0's Legion's video : Behind the Scenes Secret Revealed! Zer0's referenced the documentation that come with the Pioneer edition. In the documentation was some concept art including pictures of a multi-tool, One of the functions of the multi-tool concept was a mass manipulation option at 8.10mins.

In Splitsie's interview with Marek(YT - 10.23) there is a mention of a gravity tool that is planned to come into the game. It would be good to know how much support there is for this tool and how it would be useful.(hint)


I can see some gameplay enhancements if gears (especially of smaller size) were added to the game:

1. Large unpowered doors.

2. Water wheel.

3. More complicated mechs, ground systems.

4. Unpowered moving furniture (especially if 25cm parts were implemented.)

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