GPS lists projected as a map on holographic table.

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 59 days ago
Not Enough Votes

Is this too much to ask for?

Replies (3)


If you include beacons and possible enemy targets it would be a really interesting way to track everything without the need of windows.


I have been following the better GPS topic, and felt the need to update this topic.

Viewing the Known GPSs on the holographic table is visually helpful.

Function to select GPSs layers with colour coding. Resources, Bases, Moving objects and vessels, comms and sensor relays.

Function to add height bars.

Function to Zoom in and out around a GPS.


Navigational tools.

Current heading and speed.

Prediction on required heading and speed.

Warnings on local hazards and obstacles. known local unexplored asteroids with approximate ranges, gas and dust fields, planetary bodies, wrecks.

Information on enemy sensor ranges - spheres of detection.

Information on my own sensor ranges.

Ship View

This would switch the Navigational system to a view of the ship, space under inertial control and local gravity fields. Engineers could be shown on this system to enable monitoring on ship repairs, general crew positions, and boarding parties.


Looking at the reality of this it may be useful to have this as a 2D map on the floor on large screen LCD and then have the holographic map projected above it to clarify height and travel path details. This will maximise the information given, keep it clear and not too cluttered, and by being able to walk on the map, the view would be at its best.

I have looked at war room maps, naval maps, air traffic and shipping maps, as well as GIS maps, digital battle maps and augmented reality, to come to this conclusion.

A text list of the GPS locations of the currently mapped layer could also be shown on another large LCD mounted on the wall near the visual map system.

An elevated observation point to view the map would be useful too.

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