Add VR Support to Space Engineers 2!

James Terry shared this feedback 2 months ago
Under Consideration

I will buy SE2 the moment I have money if I just get the promise of VR support. It could even be a DLC thing if working on it right now is too restrictive or not feasible. It could be unusable without a 4070 and I'd still buy SE2 for the VR. (note: I only have a 1650 Ti, I'm just passionate about VR)

Replies (10)


Even if it's just to be able to render the game in your VR HMD and without hand tracking and stuff (just using mouse/keyboard or controller), I'd try it.

Though, full-body tracking support would be interesting. Could even use the hand terminal on your character to access certain suit functions and open holographic displays.


You are apparently thinking about it more rationally than I am. I just wanted native VR support (No VorpX!).


Since you can map a VR controller to a regular (Xbox/PS) controller, adding minimal VR controller support wouldn't be tricky... once controller/console support gets added.


I think it would be good if you could just walk around and had a decent ship flying experience, even if you can't build anything.


Personally, if all they did was implement support for the headset only (like Subnautica did), I would not bother playing it in VR. I found having to use a controller or trying to use a mouse and keyboard while wearing a VR headset to be too cumbersome. Especially switching between VR controllers and game controllers.

For me, if they are going to do VR, they should go full support.


Considering im about to spend 2-3000$ upgrading my hardware for this game (RIP Wallet) VR would be a nice addition as id finally have the hardware specs to run it.


This is a thing I tried hard to achieve for Space Engineer 1! Searching on some blogs and forums, it seems a lot of people want to try SE in VR. Some used other applications or tried to modify the code of the game but I didn't managed to do it right.

We know it is just the beginning of the game and we don't expect it to be right now but please consider adding this feature to the game latter, it would be a great experience.


Oh I would love full vr support and you know steam could even help them get it done as they provide vr support for a few games, like the control biding ans sutch


HOW does this already have 60 upvotes. I love it.


If Vr would be added the game would be even more appealing, I for one could entertain myself for hours just walking the planets and playing with the watersystem.


Being able to fly and look at your cockpit monitors etc. in VR is epic experience. Being able to design own cockpit with many screens and lights and whatnot sounds awesome.


I absolutely support the VR idea, playing with SE1 VR mods made me notice just how much more impactful the scale of things is in SE, and how much depth perception adds to flying ships 'n all.

Just basic OpenXR support alone and leaving it open to modders would be a great start.


I agree. I do understand that VR is still quite niche but then again if you look at games natively supporting VR (space sim) there isn't too many and even limited support would bring some players specially with joysticks/hotas support.


If you've ever played Elite Dangerous in VR, you'd know how amazing it is to fly through space and be able to look around you as you pass through asteroid fields, etc. Space Engineers in VR would be next level immersion.

It would make sense to sell it as a DLC addon, because not everyone would be able to make use of it, and it's not fair to bill non-VR gamers for VR dev time.


I would pay good money to get this experience in VR.


Being able to look around your own ships and having meaningful info screens to look at combined with how gorgeous this game looks it would be epic in VR.

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