Grid Utilities Expansion

Stephen shared this feedback 2 months ago
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The way power, liquids, and items move throughout a grid is fine, but with the Unified Grid System and the introduction of Liquid Water I feel like expanding on how these resources are distributed can make the game feel more "Engineering" focused. This isn't to say, get rid of the old system this can be the cheap or standard version having everything connected, and then you can have Item Conveyors, and Liquid Pipes witch give bonuses compared to the one in game now. Also I think it would be awesome if Liquid Pipes actually move water so you can do things like pump water uphill or unload it somewhere else. Addionaly I would love to see some sort of electrical system in the game, Weather that be something where you place a wire down to a block like Rust, or have a subpanel style system like Cosmoteer with a bubble of power distribution. Once again I wouldn't get rid of the old system but allow this to give powered block a bonus, such as giving ion and atmospheric thruster a thrust bonus, and chargeable blocks a lower charge time. Please comment below if you have any other ideas, I feel like this would add a unique layer to gameplay without being a requirement.

Replies (5)


Electrical systems could get complicated incredibly quickly, even if it's as simple as Cosmoteer-style bubbles. I think it would be cool to have to work basic systems beyond only generic conveyors, but it would have to be balanced so that doing electrical systems in tiny drones and massive ships wouldn't be overly complex/impossible.

Item and Fluid conveyors/pipes seems like a very easy add/edit which I would enjoy seeing. It would also enhance survival mechanics such as O2 generation; Ice -> conveyor -> o2 gen -> fluid pipe -> o2 system and separate output for hydrogen. Something could also produce water for showers, plants, etc etc. I'm getting into the weeds but even a simple system expansion would add a lot of fun options.


I agree with water but electrical I'm not sure I would want. Although it would be nice to have long distance power lines


The way the game is now suggests or hints at that each block runs electricity through it.. so you can think of it as hooking up electrical circuits when connecting blocks. I would hate to have extra blocks added to do this separately. It would use up extra space and become way to complicated for most players.


I agree except for long distance power lines (so your grid doesn't have to be 1km long) and pumping liquids around (so you can make your own lake)


I believe there was a test video of vrage3 pumping water from a lake into a walled area, as well as a structure underwater filled with air.

This might be in the works!


Satisfactory's way of handling fluids in pipes would fit really well in Space Engineers to me. Having to use pumps to transport fluids around and the way the water splits based on elevation change would create REALLY fun engineering challenges for both gravity environments, and zero G environments. Smaller things like fuel lines (if applicable) would work under surface tension alone, much as they do in real life, but larger pipes might rely on something like an ullage thrust to maintain pressure. I've also heard the ISS uses fans(?) to generate some pressure in place of faucets, but that would probably be reserved as a kickstarter or backup to other methods.

I love electrical too, but I think in the scale this game aims for, it's impractical. I really don't want to manually wire up an entire ship on top of the other logistics that has to be done, much less an entire station.

Keeping the old system of the conveyors is probably a good idea as a simplistic fallback, though if it really boiled down to it, I would rather have just a new system explicitly for water, as that alone would make the addition worthwhile.

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