Asymmetric thrust

Tag Howard shared this feedback 8 days ago
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In SE1 thruster placement didn’t matter, only orientation. This made building a bit simpler, but did not allow for certain flying techniques and did not reward engineering. Given that SE2 is already changing a number of systems I would like to suggest the introduction of asymmetric thrust. If thruster placement mattered then not only would building ships get a bit more interesting, but combat would reward targeting particular thrusters to compromise enemy movement

Replies (3)


Realistic thrust vectoring. It would be interesting if there was a Thruster Management Computer that did the following:

  • Thrust equalization - Automatically applies the correct amount of thrust to allow thrusting perfectly straight (or as straight as physically possible) when holding a directional input.
  • Rotational thrust - Allows the ship to utilize its thrusters to rotate the ship similar to using reaction wheels Gyroscopes. This also automatically aids to help fly the ship in a straight line.
  • If the Thrust Management Computer is damaged, controls revert to Direct Law, meaning inputs go unmodified to thrusters, and thruster-based rotational controls are lost.


This seems like something that would be a good optional setting at world creation, there are times (especially when recreating sci-fi props) where the thrust placement not mattering is very important but your suggestion would work great for adding some fun challenges when we get survival.


I wouldn't mind seeing this as an optional thing for people to use. Because there will be times that I would want to fly something akin to a borg cube, and other times I may want something to take advantage of a feature like this. As long as it's not forced on me full time then cool. If I can cycle it on and off as I please then sure, let's go.

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