Trade Beacons, Distress Beacons, and Other Beacon Options

BestJamie shared this feedback 30 days ago
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Beacons always felt a bit underdeveloped to me. They're helpful for outputting a location with low power usage, and for acting as a target for drones to fly to, but I feel like there could be more to them, so I had a few ideas.


It makes sense that anyone within range of a beacon can see it, but it was always weird to me that they could see the beacon name as well. To solve that I would like to suggest beacon encryption. Beacon encryption is a setting that has the same options as assigning access to a block. A beacon that is encrypted to a player just shows as "encrypted beacon" with no name, but keeps the location. To help prevent screen clutter I think there should be an option to hide encrypted beacons which is by default on, but can be easily turned off for players who want to raid secret locations. An important detail for this is that you ALSO don't get to see who owns an encrypted beacon. It could be an ally, an enemy, or even a member of your own faction who is encrypting the beacon from everyone but themselves.

This will let you do more with beacons without constantly transmitting information you might want to keep secret from enemies. All of the below beacon types will look the same to someone they're encrypted to.

Beacon Types

Beacon types aren't different from other beacons, rather they're different settings that can be configured from the control panel (like with the gravity generators). I do think they're should be big, medium and tiny beacons for different use cases though!

Distress Beacon (Combat)

The combat version of the distress beacon works by targeting another grid, and transmitting both its own location and the faction of the targeted grid. If an AI ship sees that and either likes you enough or hates whoever's attacking you enough they might show up and aid you in combat. This always seemed like an obvious use for the beacon but it also makes making friends more valuable, and makes it easier to set up AIs to call for their friends cause they can just use the same system! Optionally as a balance mechanic, you can include a currency datapoint, where you can set an amount of money to give to anyone who joins the fight and fights for at least 5 seconds, and the higher the money is the more likely AI ships are to help you (and potentially player ships as well).

Having the AI occasionally turn their own combat distress beacon on that you can fly towards to help, or choose to dip out from fear of backup incoming would be really fun!

Distress Beacon (stranded)

If you end up in a situation where you can't move because of missing components to repair a damaged grid, missing hydrogen or anything like that then you can set a beacon to output this distress beacon signal. You include whatever you're missing in the beacon and friendly AIs might show up and give you some of your missing resource. You can also set this up with the reward system from combat distress beacon.

This would also be really fun for AIs to occasionally shoot out because it would make the world feel more alive, and help you feel empowered for saving NPCs (in exchange for some positive relations)!

Trade Beacons

Rather than having trade stations having an antenna that you try to look at they have a beacon, and this beacon includes prices for selling and buying allowing you to see what kind of trade station that one is from a distance, and allows you to plan out trade runs where you buy from one station and sell to another easier making being a trader a more accessible playstyle which I think is always great!

This would also allow players to set up their own trade beacon, and potentially even have AIs make choices about where to fly to and who to buy from based on your beacon (For example if you set up near someone that sells iron plates and set your prices lower than theirs more ships will head to you then to them).

Docking Beacon

Docking beacons don't need to have as much range as some of the others rather they're small beacons you build near a docking location and designate a specific nearby connector as the dock. These would mostly use the tiny beacon since they're only helpful if you're already right near them. You would also include the orientation of the connector (Is it a bottom connecter, a top connector, a side connecter, is there a specific side you want the ship's entrance on things like that) as well as the maximum dimensions of the docking area (being able to extend different amounts in each direction like 30m X+ but only 10m X-) and the dock type, so an AI can look at your docking beacons and make a sensible choice about what to try to dock with.

This will allow you to automate which docks get used or not used by AIs docking with your station and allows a station to suggest a specific dock to you when you approach based on the dimensions of whatever ship you're piloting!

Broadcast Beacon

Broadcast beacons are one of the simplest beacon signal types other than the default, They transmit a camera signal that can be picked up by any grid in range without giving access to the rest of the transmitting grid. This allows players to transmit a message to a lot of other players on a server, as well as to allow AIs to transmit messages to players as part of story events! Not too practically useful, but fun and immersive!

And obviously the basic beacon setting, which works the same as it does currently!

Replies (6)


I feel like there could be other automation beacons like the docking beacon if anyone has any ideas for what those would be!


Fun idea! A lot of this could probably be incorporated by simply adding some block settings to the current beacon block. I could see the following in the beacon settings:

  • Beacon Name - The broadcast name that appears on HUD with the icon (as it does now)
  • Beacon Icon - Displays on the HUD with icons for Trade, Distress, Combat, Docking, etc.
  • Beacon Details - When in range of a Beacon it shows up in your GPS menu, the Beacon details could be a text block which could display further pertinent details about the beacon signal when you click on it in your GPS menu. This text block could also be modified by scripting allowing players to post automated trade data at a port, for instance.

What gets me most excited about this idea is players setting traps, broadcasting a seemingly safe or "I need help" signal for it to only be an ambush. Or even just players broadcasting a combat zone simply because they want to battle someone else.


My thought was having the given beacon types be an actual setting that can be chosen from the beacon rather than there just being a text field that might add more details to make it easier to program AIs to respond, with the sub-settings for each beacon type being something that only shows up when you select a beacon type from the dropdown menu in the beacon's control panel.

I'm absolutely in favour of icons and details showing up as options for the basic beacon type so you have the AI-friendly beacon types but then also the way more flexible player customizable beacon type!

A come fight me beacon that lets you summon attackers though absolutely should also be an option!


I feel like having a more detailed, Antenna/ beacon/ laser system would be nice to see. specific uses for each.


The antenna and laser antenna already have some great use cases, but beacons always seemed underbaked to me, since it doesnt really have any uses beyond just doing some of the things that the antenna could already do but for less energy cost.


How would the encrypted beacons be decrypted? I would like if you have a decryption block where you type and add a password to a list that decrypts matching beacons. Could be used to set up puzzle quests or treasure hunts. Maybe even be able to hack the decryptors to steal their keys.


So I was thinking decryption/encryption was just tied to faction, but having an option for the encryption to be a specific password is also a great idea! You can decrypt beacons by entering a password into an antenna, but each physical antenna can only hold a limited number of passwords to stop people from trying to brute force passwords (Something like an antenna being able to decode 6 passwords at a time, where if you want to actively decrypt more than 6 passwords that you know then you need additional antennas).

I love it for puzzles and challenge maps, but there are other uses as well for example hiding a beacon you own from yourself most of the time but making it so that one of your drones can see it and make use of it!

Also if the devs end up creating some kind of hacking mechanic other than just grinding and welding parts (like my cyberwarfare suggestion), then you could make it so that when you successfully hack a computer you have a chance of getting a password that will let you decrypt beacons owned by whoever owned the computer for a short time/until someone goes through the process of updating the encryption on each beacon!


Beacon range should be very long like 100 000 kilometers or more. Once in server I built beautiful station and ship and when they were completed I noticed that I have no idea where the planets are. So very long beacon range would help with that.


True! Rather than making beacons use a slider that suggest a maximum and minimum range they should have a number input field where you can just put in any arbitratily large number!


The range of the beacons should somehow be related to the typical distance between the planets and the power of the beacon.

Distant beacons and transmitters should be "faintly audible" - the signal should fade, appear only intermittently, contain errors or incomplete messages, all depending on the distance and the power of the beacon...

There could be an automatic radio source tracking system - an automatic observation device that records the location of short-lived and fading signals and collects their reports.

For a GPS in gaming system - it would be useful if there was a way to determine not just 3D coordinates, but just "direction" - without explicitly determining the distance of the signal source.

For message content, there should be some sort of "electronic signature" system that confirms the authorship of the message. It would be distributed between neutral and friendly factions.

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