Make space real again: real stars, nebula, planet rings... (Should be vanilla in SE2)

Grog shared this feedback 38 days ago
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Replies (5)


Absolutely agree. Nebulae, stars, and eclipses I'm iffy on, purely for development goal setting reasons (I'd rather have more complex systems if they had to choose between the two things for something to not focus on), but the rest of this list is pretty much a necessity; Especially "Real Orbits", once I found that mod in SE1 I could not go back to the way it worked in vanilla. Orbiting mechanics are that- mechanical- but the rest are just as important for exploration, ship combat, base building, resource collection, screenshot opportunities, research if that were ever to be a thing, and replay ability. The number 1 complaint I heard both friends and randoms I interacted with regarding SE1 was lack of things to do. Well, there's no alien spacecraft flying around in real space (that we know of), and yet there's plenty to do out there! Even if literally nothing else were added, merely containing something like a gas giant or nebula cloud or asteroid belt would give dozens of additional hours of playtime for a single world. Mixing this with actually having planets move, even if only spinning in place, you could probably pull thrice as much "fun" from a single world/server.


Stellar phenomena would make the game so much more fun to explore, esp if the weather system was extended into space and we had to deal with unique chalengea when flying near them


YT channel - Space Weather News - Ben Davidson

Solar flares and magnetic excursions can cause earthquakes and change the weather on the planetary bodies in the solar system.

The Sun has a big impact on the electrical activity in our atmosphere.

Book -Weatherman's guide to the Sun.


I don't really care about "real" space, I want a more interesting space where you can explore more interesting stuff. That is way more fun as a simple real space, which is more ore less boring, because space is too vast in real to having more interesting stuff in a smaller area. And so far it didn't look like we will have more as one star system, so this one should be as interesting as possible.

Here a example what I'm working on for my SE1 server (still a lot in wip - it use the first two mods in the TE's post):




And something like in that direction would be nice:



If the Sun was fixed at 0,0,0 and the planets rotated about their own axis, but did not orbit the Sun, would most players be satisfied?


I hesitantly disagree. In an ideal SE, we'd have a stationary sun, rotating celestial objects, and collide-able voxels (ok the last one is pretty unreasonable). But I am very ok with these things being modded, as moving voxels brings either 1) huge performance issues or 2) uncomfortable atmosphere if they implement how the above mods implemented the ideas, as they are kind of jank and not a proper physics sandbox, as the planets don't actually move in space, theyre sorta just weird individual instances stitched together, which breaks the simulation a bit. Relativity makes things weird :(

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