placeholder conveyors pls

sidney kehler shared this feedback 41 days ago
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As the title suggests, i´d love to have conveyors to build with (functional or not) to plan out my build with. Building ships for me takes a long time and i´l like to have some prepared before survival drops.

Replies (4)


I 2nd the need for place holder conveyors, even if they become radically different.


I agree. It feels weird to build without them. Placeholders for every major ship block would be fantastic. Tanks, oxygen generation, etc.


I agree but I have actually started building my own place holders for the time being good practice with the new build systems


No from me, because we don't even know yet how this will look in SE2. I wouldn't be surprised if the complete conveyor thing looks totally different. It is a part of an alpha that you can't except that you can build stuff without the need to change them later. Also systems are right now not 100% planed and could change later or it would limit Keen to what they brought out as placeholder. Accept that your ships/stations are not made for later SE2 yet and let Keen the complete freedom of developing this game without the need to stick on everything that was put early into the alpha.


except we already know for a fact a conveyor system is in the works and will be rather similar to SE1. refinery's and assemblers already have conveyor ports and upgrade ports, and why wouldn't they add something like that?

even if the placeholders are completely nonfunctional and new mechanics get added it still would allow us to make some basic contraptions in preparation for it.


You think way too simple. If Keen would bring placeholder blocks, they would also need to explain exactly how the conveyor system will work or all your planing is for nothing. We do not even know if they plan with different conveyors for different stuff, maybe they will split into conveyors for gas, for materials, for water. What if you need more than one conveyor line in your ship and special blocks inside that conveyor line like we have in SE1 already but even more? Such placeholder blocks would quickly explode in complexity and without the exact knowledge how it will work you likely will use them wrong. And what is with open conveyor lines or conveyors hidden in a block? If the design of that blocks is not finished yet, your builds could look very bad at the end.

So let them do their work.

Oh, and keep in mind: all blocks right now in the alpha are not fixed, all what is in the alpha can get a overwork or complete disappear. And also can break your builds completely. I can not load any too old SE1 maps with SE1 anymore because too many changes on the save and internal format.

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