
Valourant shared this feedback 42 days ago
Not Enough Votes
  • Crops could be earth-like or alien
  • Materials harvested from alien crops could be used in the construction of explosives or more durable and lightweight armor panels.
  • Alien crops could only be grown on alien planets.
    a) More complex system could allow players to mix gasses in rooms and create alien atmosphere for growing crops indoors. Would require you enter the room with your helmet on (optional).
  • You could have automated systems to plant, water, and harvest crops. Crops could contribute to O2 production in your ship/base.


  • This type of farming could improve base/ship aesthetics by contributing to greener looking bases.
  • It would add to base/ship functionality, as more rooms a player can create would have specific functions or purposes.
  • It would add depth to the crafting system, another angle in survival to unlock certain technologies and blocks.


This is not a suggestion for survival mechanics. IE the character has to eat food to survive. It's just an enhancement of game play. More to do in the game, more to build, more to explore/craft.

Replies (4)


A optional requirement to have to eat and drink would be great though


eat and drink in real life. this game is not about survival. This game is about translating ideas into mechanisms.

if you want to fry meat over a fire, go back to your Conan Exiles


What's wrong with having it be optional just don't enable it and why do you have to be hostile about it. Your acting like a two year old throwing a fit


because I'm 2 years old?

I am negative about this proposal because I, like many other people, do not like survival. This is a game about construction. Survival elements are simply unpleasant moments when you are distracted from your main activity.


What part of optional do you not understand. Google the definition of optional. Basically a feature you can turn off. There's nothing wrong with having a feature you can turn off if you don't like it, plus it already has survivor features as in oxygen and power so your point is invalid


So you enjoy a game all about choice and customization, so long as everyone does it your way. Just like in SE1, if you don’t want to worry about air you turn it off. One button click.


Exactly my point,


Would you need blocks for mechanical seeding, weeding, harvesting, ploughing and hoeing?

Hydroponics does not always give the most efficient yield. It can require a lot of energy.

The Sun and soil can do that job too.


I'd think you would just have a Block that would require sun and water that grows the food and you go into the inventory to get it


No Agri vehicles then?


Something like that sounds like too out there but would be cool


I rely need a micro robotic laser slug killer. They eat everything!


SE1 has token survival elements. I would love to see more. If creative is your thing, just don’t enable it in your game.


Exactly, I'd like more optional survival elements also


I still think eating food as a survival element is a different concept which doesn't need to exist at all when related to the benefits of crop farming. I wouldn't mind it that much so long as it wasn't frequent - and because I could turn it off if I so desired. But I didn't want to include it as the main reason to add crops/farming.

Because to me the main idea of crops/farming, is to build agriculture vehicles, have automated systems, build new blueprints and unlock new tech, and to have reasons to explore and travel to other planets. And also for aesthetic reasons.

I didn't want people who were against a survival element of crops/farming to not upvote it despite all the other amazing reasons to add it. So that's why I didn't list it in the suggestion. I do agree, that if people who don't want to bother with it can just disable it then it would be fine.


There's a mod called plant and cook that I think is a great concept on how it could be


The solution to the dispute is actually primitively simple.

In vanilla SE1 there are blocks like beds, kitchens, bars, tables, even toilets and showers, green cylinders with some seaweed or algae... Why actually, when the player's character doesn't need to eat or drink or sleep? Decorations? OK.

In the plugin that Jordan Davis mentioned there are also other blocks for growing plants - and I can imagine a block for making meat: for example the "Lab Counter" block - also actually just a decoration, but easily convertible into something more useful. The player sacrifices a kilogram of his own body (wound for 25-50% health), or gets a trophy from a killed opponent (or "earthlike" animals) - and in a few days the block will grow more meat...

So the solution?

A simple toggle in the game world settings.

Want the need to eat, drink, sleep in your world? Whatever. Food system blocks are functional, producing plants and processing the food needed for the player's character.

You don't want more "unnecessary complications" in your world? Whatever. Food system blocks are purely decorative.


Exactly, you said it better then I did

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