Max Jetpack Speed < Ship/Craft Speed

sansbar shared this feedback 39 days ago
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One thing i remember being kind of overpowered in PVP was that players could go the same speed as your ship with their jetpack. Can we have, or at least have servers have, the ability to set max jetpack speed? It would make sense for it to be a third or even half of the max ship speed.

Replies (6)


would actually like to delete this i forgot about jetpack 2.0 and theres no reason to have a topic about something we are about to get more info on


The reason in SE 1 that jetpacks were made faster then the ship was so that if it went out of control, players had a reasonable chance of catching up with it. In the early days of SE there was a lot of Klang happening and ships went bang mysteriously all the time so it was needed.


non pvp wise: the ability to leave your ship cruising at max speed while your character jetpack around the ship doing something else is awesome

pvp wise: L for no anti-personal turrets?

also, jetpack can still fly faster then ship with "jetpack 2.0"


I would like this problem to be seriously considered. I think that acceleration should be more penalized, but the top speed should still be higher than that of ships. For example, if you are working on your ship, you already got up to speed by being in it, and the only real cost to you is the slight acceleration and deceleration needed to move around it, as you already have the initial momentum and don't need to keep accelerating. However, if you want to reach top speed, it should be quite expensive in fuel, and if you want to board a ship, doing high G maneuvers around it to avoid turret fire and such should burn up your fuel quickly. Nerfing hydromanning would carve a niche for fighters, wouldn't it?


IMO ships should be substantially faster than the jetpack with other solutions (like remote stop of a grid) for runaway ships. We have the car because it is faster than walking/horseback. If I can run as fast as a car, I don’t need the car.


I also don’t think locking your dampeners to the current speed of your grid is the same as accelerating to the speed of a max speed ship from a stand still


Didn’t we have the option to “remote stop” our grids in SE1? I think that would suffice.


It can be done via the admin panel.


If a clang starts to occur, the console may not work. I've experienced this before - the ship could be cleared/deleted with the console, but it couldn't be stopped.


The speed of the jetpack should not be limited by some limiting speed, different from the speed of other objects in the game.

Another thing is that the jetpack should have an "energy reserve" and a maximal thrust, an accelerating force. It should in-game be more carefully calculated how much energy/fuel is consumed in maneuvering, accelerating and braking the character with the cargo, and what accelerations the jetpack will achieve with the player and his inventory at a given maximum thrust of the jetpack's engines.

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