Radial Menu for Block Size / Variants

HyggeDane shared this feedback 45 days ago
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I Generally like the current controls For SE 2, very intuitive and it's great to have modifier keys like SHIFT and CTRL.

Block Rotation and general interaction is great (I'm Right Handed). But Variant / size selection is very lacking to me. The R / SHIFT + R feels unnatural and is uncomfortable to use.

As more blocks gets introduced to the game the size / Variant groups will most likely get larger.

I gave it some thought.

CTRL + Mouse Wheel is currently Being used to change the distance of blocks. Although that function is only active when creating a new grid. so the initial suggestion in OP is viable.

I do believe that something like the Picture would be a lot more intuitive and it would make for quick selection In the size / variety options and you would not have to cycle through every block to get to what you want.

The scroll Wheel would still be cycling through the hotbar and the the MMB or CTRL + MMB Will open the radial menu where you can then choose the specific block and size you want to use. (Since MMB still carries paint functionality)

This Would basically function like a folder structure and could function along side the current R / SHIFT + R.

The Radial Menu could be split left and right by size or have clear grouping of sizes and slots and radius should be expanded dynamically according to the amount of variants.


1: Scroll to navigate hotbar.

2: press the middle mouse button and move mouse to open and navigate the variant radial menu,

By my understanding from the blogposts and streams, I do believe that this system would implement well into the current control layout and the overall vision for SE 2.

If not already planned Please Consider. and thanks for for the great games and years of entertainment.


Replies (8)


It would also be good to change the size with a single button instead of going through an entire group where there are the same blocks with 2 different sizes.


It would also be good to change the size with a single button instead of going through an entire group where there are the same blocks with 2 different sizes.


I too don't care for the way the resize function works. Using either ctrl or alt + scroll wheel would feel far more natural to me, and the block placement range? Eh... If it's a sacrifice to be made, honestly, I'd rather lose that and have block size selection.


From my SE 1 experience I know I i use the distance adjustment a lot. But since it works differently in SE 2 so far, it might be possible to have both. (or move distance to ALT)

The issue With using CTRL is the fact that it also actives precision mode / locks to plane, having 2 active functions on 1 key in the same process could make things counter productive in the building flow.

But! If we get complete freedom in re-binding keys, all we really need is the menu to ease the selection process. The rest can then be customized.


I like the concept, but would offer a tweak to the suggested UI you give. Instead of using the mouse button to open the radial selector, use the R key (like with the paint gun) and Shift+R to change block size, Or reverse those two keybinds to align with SE1 where you can use R to change block size.


That Would make sense. The middle mouse button was to keep everything "Block selection" close and in the same movement, but it might also confuse things. In any case, but it could potentially coexist or fingers crossed for complete freedom in rebinding keys.

I don't know if keen posted it prior to the hotfix yesterday, but that's when i first saw all the bullet points on adjustments being made to different aspects of the current VS. The variant / size grouping is being mentioned along with how its cycles (R-Keys)

So since it's already on R and the fact that radial menus are already in SE 1 - what you say could easily be what they are planning.


I personally like the R and Shift+R to change variants, but I would much prefer a radial menu for this. If for nothing else that to get to one end of the "loop" more efficiently.


I'd like Scroll Wheel for size and a radial menu for shape


My biggest issue with cycling the blocks now with R is it seems that half the time the part of the block that changes is often rotated away from me making it hard to tell what shape I'm on. For the most part I just read the text to find the piece that I need rather than rely on looking at the block. This is something that would be made more expedient by a solution outlined by the OP.


I'l prefer using just R to open this radial menu to change the block shape, and using shift+r to change size of block. I think that change shapes is more often used than block size change.

And the all varies of all shapes and size of block just haven't enought space in radial menu. I think this menu should have the shapes of block by 1 size.

P.s. sorry for my bad English)


Yes I agree there's no need to have both sizes in the menu. choose the block and then switch between sizes as needed.

I'd still like to have it of a dynamic nature though. Meaning the diameter or size of the wheel would adapt to the amount of blocks, down to a preset minimum. or at least have the available blocks of a group take up all the space of the radial menu, so no empty slots.

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