High network usage when placing blocks

Diamantino shared this bug 43 days ago

When i tried placing the max amount of blocks in a pane, the network spiked to 300+ mbps, and when placing single blocks, it uses like 30mbps. Something similar happens when i undo that pane placement, but it only uses 30 mbps that time.

Replies (3)


Following on, this caused my discord ping to spike to 5000ms; overall my network capacity seemed low - averaging 9Mbps (for ~10000 blocks to be built from a blueprint on toolbar - at 25cm grid scale) though - however given this is an internal server, it should not be routing via external routes. Localhost should be used in this case. This can be classified as a denial of service in the present configuration.


Can confirm on windows task manager performance tab that there are spikes when placing blocks. Also, it's not just multiblocks. Any single block placement spikes the network. I cannot imagine a scenario where home base needs to be notified when I place a block. It's a little Orwellian, if you ask me.


Can Confirm this also, especially prominent when dragging a blueprint multiple times. Effect lessened when just copy and pasting a single build but still there.

CPU i9 9900KS

GPU RTX 4080


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