We need more Blocks from Vanilla SE1 to come to SE2

Richard shared this feedback 42 days ago
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Just as an example i have attached a image below of a build which cant be finished in SE2 but in SE1 is possible, we just havent been given this block yet in SE2 from SE1.

I feel like since we only have creative mode, we need the blocks to be a priority. Blocks like this and also small ship windows and things like this.

(just to be clear, this isnt a complain, its an ask for blocks to be made a priority or building is going to be quite dull, there are a lot of things we dont have in SE2 right now that we do in SE1, and im NOT on about DLC, im on about Vanilla).

Replies (2)


Building blocks are crucial to a building game. These would be good blocks to have 👍


That is right, but we also don't know on what Keen is working here on the block front. It can also be that some of the blocks are only place holders and they come with complete other stuff that wouldn't work in SE1 but in SE2 thanks to the new grid system and is much better for building.

SE2 should have a chance to do things better.

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