Block rotation and scrolling suggestion

Eli B shared this feedback 45 days ago
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I would suggest that rotating a block be brought back to a single button control rather than the CRTL+action button. holding CTRL while pressing other buttons to rotate is cumbersome at best. The old method of Page Up and Page Down work just fine. I ended up adding macros to my mouse button to "fix" this issue. Also using the scroll wheel now scrolls through the block selection bar rather than scrolling through the blocks of the number you have selected on that bar. For instance my mouse is on block 1 of the bar, when I use the scroll wheel it will go to block 2, then 3 and so on rather than scroll the block group in selection 1. We already have a way to change our selection on the bar by clicking the number we would like to press while the scroll wheel now will go mostly unused due to this. I would suggest changing this back to the way SE1 works.

Replies (2)


I agree with changing wheel to rotate through block styles instead of hot bar selections.

I like the new WASDQE block positioning, yes holding cntrl while pressing WASDQE is slow and uncomfortable (my arthritic hands can't do it very long, and I have to quit the game). I'd rather NOT go back to the SE1 style, it's a lot less hand movement with the new style and like myself I put cntrl on a mouse button or if you like you can make macros etc. once the game is at that point.


I am having real problems with block rotation, CTRL and 'R'. Stretching my fingers on my left hand between CTRL and 'R' is not comfortable and I feel fatigue in my hand quite quickly in that position. My little finger does not re-locate well over the CTRL after my hand has adjusted to press the 'R' key I often press SHIFT instead of CTRL. If I am holding down CTRL and rotating a block, I find that when I stretch my hand to press 'R' that I am still holding down CTRL. CTRL and 'R' does nothing. This may be a Me problem as I never had any luck playing the recorder as a child.

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