Player Cable

William shared this feedback 2 months ago
Under Consideration

With everyone speculating on what the cable on players could do, and iirc it being stated that it was only visual, I'd like to suggest it be made into an umbilical cord for energy and Oxygen. The player could place attachment points around their ships/stations, interact with them briefly, thus attaching the umbilical cable. Once attached it can supply power and O2. If could even grant terminal access to the grid. If they move too far away it will detach, if they press a keybind or if a door closes on it, it will detach. This will significantly improve the quality of life when trying to construct and deconstruct ships or stations in space since you won't have to run back and forth for the basics, which are drained extremely quickly as-is.

The cable could even have a small motor to explain why it's able to retract itself.

Engineering will improve your quality of life!

Side note: The physics used to make the cable dangle and conform to objects it may be partially wrapped around could also be used in the future by Keen or modders to make grappling hooks or inter-ship cables either to tow or transfer power/FUEL like refueling a military jet IRL. Connectors are cool, but after 10,000 years of R&D, I'm sure the engineers have found cables easier for starting up a dead ship. It could even get us water hoses. Regardless, having the physics of cables in game as a result of this could be huge and very cool for the new and improved SE2.

Replies (12)


Cable can be used to control functional blocks. Attach it to rotor for example and you get a control panel and maybe a hot bar that stays opened and you can freely move up to some distance before the cable is disconnected.


I like this idea a lot and think it could be taken further. When I'm messing with pistons and rotors in SE1 I always turn my terminal opacity all the way down just to see what's being moved. Some form of hotbar local to the access point (without overriding the player hotbar) would be awesome. Maybe it could be an extra hotbar tab to the left of the first player hotbar that only appears when connected with one, or maybe it's on the side of the screen. This would let you connect it to the rotor/piston but also anything else on the grid such as the hangar door that your access point is next to.


Kind of reminding me of the power and air cable from Astroneer..


This entire thread has bountiful ideas that would greatly improve play. While the OP seems to confine the suggestion to the player and his/her ability to tether, I think there is a huge opportunity here for tethering in general beyond the player. While we have connectors, they should more appropriately be called docking ports. It would be nice to be able to tether a ship to a base, as well as, ship to ship to transfer only power, fluids, and gasses. Launch vehicles often have break-away tethers to insure full fuel and power up to the absolutely last moment of lift-off. Finally, tethers would be a cheap early game advantage before survivalists can afford to research or develop connectors/docks.


This would be a cool concept to help build without needing to go back to resupply with power, O2, and Hydrogen.

Do agree that there should only be a limit on how far it can go but could also be upgraded to allow farther distance and maybe even better transfer of all the items.


Another thought, the HUD could show the ship/station's power and O2 stats when connected to it


Will this help for boarding ship/rover whilst on planet when my jetpack is disabled?


While not within the scope of my initial post, if they implemented it and included the small motor on the player model, they could theoretically let you both repel down from and be pulled towards an attachment point. It would be cool to have that. There is so much that both Keen and modders could make happen if they add cable physics. Like I said, if they do even just the umbilical function for the cable, modders will make grabbling guns with the physics that would absolutely help you in that situation.


A system of connectors/anchors, ropes and winches capable of doing "force action" between two objects, two grids, would be an excellent option. Expanding it to include the ability to transfer power, air, water and fuel would be a logical continuation or extension.


I absolutely agree. If you could attach cables between ships it'd let you charge up a rover using your base's grid like an electric car rather than docking a clunky grid that may have no other reason for a connector.


I thought that the cable should be able to transport components so the engineer can connect, then build their ship without 100 trips to the cargo container. The length of the cable would have to be long enough to build something but no so long that they could fly all over their base.


I would say a hundred meters is enough to hang up anyone...

And who doesn't, let them attach a plug/anchor to another winch and they can drag another hundred meters.


Edward that would be great for QoL


I think ya'll are way too into this cable.


The cable could be used to

  • plug in to blocks to high speed hack them, or
  • as a tether for two Engineers to share O2 or power in emergencies. Or
  • access special equipment that requires security permissions Doors computers etc.
  • as a tow cable to pull blocks like a sled or gravity tool ( grabby hands.)
  • as a tether to keep the engineer attached to a moving object they are attempting to program or access so they dont fly out of range of the "F" function.


Ammorok, I like your idea of players being able to share power and O2 with it. What caught my attention is mentioning that it tethers you to the ship. I can't believe I left that out of the original post. I said that it should disconnect if you go out of range but you're completely right, it should stay connected and not let you go further. Just press a button on your suit (keyboard) to disconnect it.


Travelling in low or zero by grappling hook is fun too, just mentioning it... ;-)


What the rope could do: (Diagnostic Modes) R2D2 Cable

  • Leak Detector (Air tightness)
  • Hack (Individual Block take over)
  • Detect Grid Damage, (Highlighting damage)
  • Detect Grid Systems, (Highlights conveyor connections)
  • Cargo manifests, (Lists summary of grid cargo)
  • Weapons loadouts, (Lists summary of unhidden weapons systems)
  • Grid Value $ based on component resources
  • Anything else we can think of ETC....

Obviously it shouldn't do this all at once that would be sensory overload, but having toggles could control that would make good gameplay feedback.


grappling hook maybe cool for if your shot out of your ship when it decompresses take it out and shoot it at the ship to attach to it


A better and more direct way to control and interact with the grids / blocks would be very appreciated!

But simplicity is key - I could fear it will end up like the ladder coming back - It's nice to have around, but in my play sessions i hardly don't use it since there are faster ways of getting a similar result.

Having to wait for a "plug the cable" animation every time i need to interact with my grids would drive me insane xD - much like ladder versus jetpack or even stairs/ramps.

If cables / tethers are to become a thing i believe it would make more sense to have it as either blocks or tools.

For the character it could be a hand tool to grapple onto things or likewise. The cable on the side of the suit could be part of a reload animation.

For the survivability aspect that op suggests, I think having the actual cable on the grid in a block - like a fire hose irl. would make more sense. you go to the block pick up the cable and plug in. logically the cable would then also be able to be longer.

The cable block could at the same time serve as the base for cranes or pullies. or even dynamically transfer power and control to separate grids. (set up power grid between structures without them having to be connected in the same grid.)

In gravity the cable would fall when extended, but in space i suppose it would need to be manually brought to whatever anker point the player wishes to attach it to. So for this the player would also need to be able to plug it into the suit or pick it up anyway.

I believe going in this route we could potentially provide multiple features in one. Features that would expand upon the possibilities and not just get something that would be fun to watch a few times and at the same time slow down the pace.

I'd love to have more interaction - as long as it does not go against my "Need to create" ;)


My favourite options are

1. Control Panel tether - and you could just have the interface fade in in parallel to the plug-in animation so it doesn't feel slow.

2. Magnetic Grapple. - Being able to use your jetpack to pull grids around, like berthing your freshly made scout fighter - hot of the 3d printer - to a connector for initial fueling. Where a larger tug ship is overkill. - Or stopping a grid you've accidentally nudged or cut loose in survival - from drifting off into the void.


Similarly to what others have said:

A tech cable is a great idea.

Perhaps the different cable-tiers can do more, or better things:

Basic version:

-Could do simple things like simple direct interaction with owned blocks (similar to build vision)

-Sharing O2, H2, and power with another engineer

-A safety tether

-Provide emergency power to a grid etc...

Proficient/elite variants could do more complex tasks or calculations:

>>A more immersive hacking tool instead of an angle grinder<<


I like this. It could be a little OP but if there are decent drawbacks, like the aforementioned cable distance and need for basically outlets to plug it in to easily, could be a great addition. Kinda sucks to constantly have to go back to a station to replenish energy when working out in space.


Yep, and I really don't want to lose the realism by them increasing the suit battery either


I think this is a good idea, and it could also match with the "power cord" idea others suggested.

Have a basic connection system, for player to grid, player to player (rescue power/o2 share?), or grid to grid (with limited transfer capacity), so that temporary connections can be made.

Just a simple socket/cord setup, where a player and a small block could provide "socket" connections, and a consumable would be the cord. Recovered on disconnect, lost if "snapped".


Being able to have a fuel cable would be so amazing! It bugs me when I have a super sleek design but I have to make a concession to be able to have the ship have a connector just to get fuel. Cargo transfer is one thing but if I just need fuel/uranium/battery charge I would love to be able to just run a connector to a small port.

Picture many sci-fi films where a ship docks at a port and one of the first things they do is run fuel and coolant lines to a ship.

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