CTRL + WASD Too uncomfortable for Rotation
Under Consideration
We're going to be rotating blocks probably more than any other task in the game. CTRL is a strain for my pinky. I would rather replace it with shift, or use a toggle key somewhere.
Just the ability to set ctrl to toggle on/off instead of hold would be nice. I agree it just hurts to have to hold it all the time.
Just the ability to set ctrl to toggle on/off instead of hold would be nice. I agree it just hurts to have to hold it all the time.
Would be nice to let the player change the keybinding, I would love to use one of my side mouse buttons with WASD for rotation.
Would be nice to let the player change the keybinding, I would love to use one of my side mouse buttons with WASD for rotation.
The Old way was better.
The Old way was better.
the new system to use WASDQE is actually really good, it just takes getting used to. But yeah let the user remap and or toggle it.
the new system to use WASDQE is actually really good, it just takes getting used to. But yeah let the user remap and or toggle it.
yeah I do agree, I actually think it is better, playing SE1 I would always have my brain struggle to use the right rotate button. Though strange the WASDQE does feel easier, unfortunately after about 10-20 minutes of functional game time, my left hand is actually quite sore...
However, Dom's statement has got me thinking... I can hotkey CTRL to one of my extra mouse buttons... game might be changed! and it can toggle too! :D
yeah I do agree, I actually think it is better, playing SE1 I would always have my brain struggle to use the right rotate button. Though strange the WASDQE does feel easier, unfortunately after about 10-20 minutes of functional game time, my left hand is actually quite sore...
However, Dom's statement has got me thinking... I can hotkey CTRL to one of my extra mouse buttons... game might be changed! and it can toggle too! :D
Its pretty good if you get used to it. I use it all the time while playing "from the depths"
Its pretty good if you get used to it. I use it all the time while playing "from the depths"
I have no use of my left side, so it is very hard for me, with a disability, to do this. I would like the option to have it the old way. Like se1
I have no use of my left side, so it is very hard for me, with a disability, to do this. I would like the option to have it the old way. Like se1
I believe this topic goes under the "Re-bind" keys umbrella.
I personally like large parts of the new system, but the ability to change or personalize is a must.
I believe this topic goes under the "Re-bind" keys umbrella.
I personally like large parts of the new system, but the ability to change or personalize is a must.
Personally i prefer using WASD for rotation. It's nicer for me not having to lift my hands away. Being able to choose or having both would be really cool though.
Personally i prefer using WASD for rotation. It's nicer for me not having to lift my hands away. Being able to choose or having both would be really cool though.
The old way of rotation was much easier, i think this would help when moving over from SE to SE2 as it would feel more natural.
The old way of rotation was much easier, i think this would help when moving over from SE to SE2 as it would feel more natural.
The WASD to rotate blocks ends up causing us to unintentionally rotate the block when we just want to move the character to have a better view... I think it would be interesting to separate the two controls.
The WASD to rotate blocks ends up causing us to unintentionally rotate the block when we just want to move the character to have a better view... I think it would be interesting to separate the two controls.
I hope there will be the option to rotate the way it worked in SE1. It's extremely slow to perform multiple single rotation steps and placing blocks in between. Kinda strains my fingers, too.
I hope there will be the option to rotate the way it worked in SE1. It's extremely slow to perform multiple single rotation steps and placing blocks in between. Kinda strains my fingers, too.
I'm going to post the link to the blog post for VS 1. In this they state that keyboard and mouse mapping will be added later on. It also states the they plan to move away from the "R" key being used for cycling size and shape.
That aside, I actually enjoy the ctrl + WASDQE for rotating blocks. with this set up i don't have to move my hand off my mouse. although in SE 1 i could technically just rebind the buttons to my mouse, but then i would lose easy access to block selection which would defeat the point. I'm also a little bias because when i play league I press ctrl when i need to use a ping and for a few other things. obviously some people will like the change while others don't if you aren't accustom to it or don't have large hands that make it easier to reach all the keys on your keyboard i could understand it being a larger issue. I could see a toggle coming into play here. perhaps having caps lock being the toggle that then allows you to use wasdqe to rotate the block then just tap cap locks when you don't need it at that moment. personally having to use R to rotate through size and shape is a much bigger issue imo. btw shift + r will reverse the selection by one step just in case anyone didn't already know that.
I'm going to post the link to the blog post for VS 1. In this they state that keyboard and mouse mapping will be added later on. It also states the they plan to move away from the "R" key being used for cycling size and shape.
That aside, I actually enjoy the ctrl + WASDQE for rotating blocks. with this set up i don't have to move my hand off my mouse. although in SE 1 i could technically just rebind the buttons to my mouse, but then i would lose easy access to block selection which would defeat the point. I'm also a little bias because when i play league I press ctrl when i need to use a ping and for a few other things. obviously some people will like the change while others don't if you aren't accustom to it or don't have large hands that make it easier to reach all the keys on your keyboard i could understand it being a larger issue. I could see a toggle coming into play here. perhaps having caps lock being the toggle that then allows you to use wasdqe to rotate the block then just tap cap locks when you don't need it at that moment. personally having to use R to rotate through size and shape is a much bigger issue imo. btw shift + r will reverse the selection by one step just in case anyone didn't already know that.
Shift R to go back, been hunting for this! That will make it less of a giant pain! :D
Shift R to go back, been hunting for this! That will make it less of a giant pain! :D
Well yes it is uncomfortable having to hold down Ctrl to do it. Well i do like the QEWASD so if you add in so the keybind for the block rotation is rebindable then its ok. It also make sense to me to make it a toggle option. I would rebind it mousebutton 4 or 5 easy toggle on an off and dont need to move hands. Just make most of the shortcut and other keybinds rebindable for other keys and mousebuttons then its completly ok as it is. Blockvariants should still be a scrollwheel thing. It just makes it easier to select block variants instead of having to use keys to do it. Like someone suggested blockvariants on scrollwheel actionbar 1-9 selection with Ctrl+Scrollwheel and Control+Shift+Scrollwheel for changing actionbar(the last two is ok like this because they arent used as much) And some just use the normal 1-9 keys.
Well yes it is uncomfortable having to hold down Ctrl to do it. Well i do like the QEWASD so if you add in so the keybind for the block rotation is rebindable then its ok. It also make sense to me to make it a toggle option. I would rebind it mousebutton 4 or 5 easy toggle on an off and dont need to move hands. Just make most of the shortcut and other keybinds rebindable for other keys and mousebuttons then its completly ok as it is. Blockvariants should still be a scrollwheel thing. It just makes it easier to select block variants instead of having to use keys to do it. Like someone suggested blockvariants on scrollwheel actionbar 1-9 selection with Ctrl+Scrollwheel and Control+Shift+Scrollwheel for changing actionbar(the last two is ok like this because they arent used as much) And some just use the normal 1-9 keys.
CTRL or Shift + QEWASD creates the issue of making it impossible to rotate blocks and move at the same time, which means the build will have to be stationary or having the ability to hold a fixed position relative to the build while building.
CTRL or Shift + QEWASD creates the issue of making it impossible to rotate blocks and move at the same time, which means the build will have to be stationary or having the ability to hold a fixed position relative to the build while building.
Just for the sake of conversation: I actually like the new controls. I never liked the SE1 controls, despite having over 8000 hours in the game. I think I tried hard enough to get used to them. I think the new controls are brilliant.
Just for the sake of conversation: I actually like the new controls. I never liked the SE1 controls, despite having over 8000 hours in the game. I think I tried hard enough to get used to them. I think the new controls are brilliant.
what about using caps lock instead of this key combo?
what about using caps lock instead of this key combo?
While waiting for key mappings in the game, you can look up how to remap the caps lock key to work as control
While waiting for key mappings in the game, you can look up how to remap the caps lock key to work as control
I expect to hit shift and have the settings pop up honestly. The WASD is far better than previously but we defiantly need an ability to change this, Ctrl is great but Shift or having the general ability to change these settings after VS 1.1 at least would be better.
I expect to hit shift and have the settings pop up honestly. The WASD is far better than previously but we defiantly need an ability to change this, Ctrl is great but Shift or having the general ability to change these settings after VS 1.1 at least would be better.
I don’t see why it can’t be the same as SE 1.
I don’t see why it can’t be the same as SE 1.
Shift, Yes my pinky would love you., or toggle-able_CTRL
Shift, Yes my pinky would love you., or toggle-able_CTRL
Hopefully it becomes a toggle to switch from SE1-like to the new way it is done in SE2. Plus, hopefully once we get actual keybinds you can also switch off of CTRL as the combination key.
Hopefully it becomes a toggle to switch from SE1-like to the new way it is done in SE2. Plus, hopefully once we get actual keybinds you can also switch off of CTRL as the combination key.
As much as I love the new system, I am starting to feel it in my hand muscles. But the suggestion I'd like to echo from the comments here is the ctrl toggle rather than hold.
As much as I love the new system, I am starting to feel it in my hand muscles. But the suggestion I'd like to echo from the comments here is the ctrl toggle rather than hold.
A toggle using TAB would be great like put UI transparency on like F1 like most games do I.E. Minecraft. Sace Ctrl for those of us who want to crouch and also have hyper flexible pinkies
A toggle using TAB would be great like put UI transparency on like F1 like most games do I.E. Minecraft. Sace Ctrl for those of us who want to crouch and also have hyper flexible pinkies
The WASD rotation is SOO much better than the old Home/del/ins/etc. I play on a laptop and every single laptop ever has a different layout for those keys. Or sometimes lacks them altogether (mine doesn't have a usable Insert key). I never had the faintest clue which key would rotate a block in any direction so I'd have to just flip through all of them until something worked.
I do agree that holding down CTRL is a little awkward and would get straining after a while. Having the option to use ALT or TAB instead would be good. Personally, I prefer ALT, since I usually remap TAB to open the inventory in games that have one. But either ALT or TAB would be better
The WASD rotation is SOO much better than the old Home/del/ins/etc. I play on a laptop and every single laptop ever has a different layout for those keys. Or sometimes lacks them altogether (mine doesn't have a usable Insert key). I never had the faintest clue which key would rotate a block in any direction so I'd have to just flip through all of them until something worked.
I do agree that holding down CTRL is a little awkward and would get straining after a while. Having the option to use ALT or TAB instead would be good. Personally, I prefer ALT, since I usually remap TAB to open the inventory in games that have one. But either ALT or TAB would be better
Yeah no chance in heck I’m playing with these controls. I like the old system.
Yeah no chance in heck I’m playing with these controls. I like the old system.
they need a key bind setting for players that want to make the keys for them. especially a classic setting with the added keys for new stuff. never needed a new layout. just a keybind system
they need a key bind setting for players that want to make the keys for them. especially a classic setting with the added keys for new stuff. never needed a new layout. just a keybind system
It felt less than intuitive to set rotation this way. I prefer the method from SE1, but that's because I'm a veteran player. I found that one not as easy to get used to either. I think an option to use the old method would be nice.
It felt less than intuitive to set rotation this way. I prefer the method from SE1, but that's because I'm a veteran player. I found that one not as easy to get used to either. I think an option to use the old method would be nice.
Yes!! In SE1 it is possible to rotate the block by pressing just one key, meaning less work, while in SE2 we have to use two fingers to rotate the block, making it more laborious to build.
Yes!! In SE1 it is possible to rotate the block by pressing just one key, meaning less work, while in SE2 we have to use two fingers to rotate the block, making it more laborious to build.
Yeah, I will probably map some of the modifier keys to my mouse rather than having to reach across the keyboard or curl my fingers in weird ways.
Yeah, I will probably map some of the modifier keys to my mouse rather than having to reach across the keyboard or curl my fingers in weird ways.
Everyone is like WASD this and that seriously my Pinkey hurts after a while and it's such a inhuman movement I get a twitchy finger. It's OK for crouch in games but main feature w/o immediate key binds is annoying. I want to use TAB.
Everyone is like WASD this and that seriously my Pinkey hurts after a while and it's such a inhuman movement I get a twitchy finger. It's OK for crouch in games but main feature w/o immediate key binds is annoying. I want to use TAB.
Too many hours with SE1 make it difficult to change controls.
But, because will be not easy to have all people happy:
Why not make like in FreeCAD, where you can select one of many methods.
For reference https://wiki.freecad.org/Mouse_navigation
Too many hours with SE1 make it difficult to change controls.
But, because will be not easy to have all people happy:
Why not make like in FreeCAD, where you can select one of many methods.
For reference https://wiki.freecad.org/Mouse_navigation
I must say, I generally like that WASD stuff, better than on SE1 where I need to move my hand away from the mouse or away from WASD. So the general idea in SE2 is totally fine for me. But yes, the need to holding the STRG key is not that good.
I must say, I generally like that WASD stuff, better than on SE1 where I need to move my hand away from the mouse or away from WASD. So the general idea in SE2 is totally fine for me. But yes, the need to holding the STRG key is not that good.
I love SE2's rotation controls SOOOO much better than SE1's personally. It's a game-changer to not have to move my hand off my mouse or wasd to rotate blocks.
I love SE2's rotation controls SOOOO much better than SE1's personally. It's a game-changer to not have to move my hand off my mouse or wasd to rotate blocks.
I think just being able to remap it to side buttons on mouse would help it
I think just being able to remap it to side buttons on mouse would help it
Maybe also making CTRL a toggle key instead of having to hold it down would already improve it. It could be an option at least.
Maybe also making CTRL a toggle key instead of having to hold it down would already improve it. It could be an option at least.
I think something else I would like to see would be to have the rotation keys always locked to the same direction. It can be a bit annoying being a little off center from where you want a block to go and hitting a key to rotate in a way you want just to realize your character moved off center in such a way it rotates incorrectly
I think something else I would like to see would be to have the rotation keys always locked to the same direction. It can be a bit annoying being a little off center from where you want a block to go and hitting a key to rotate in a way you want just to realize your character moved off center in such a way it rotates incorrectly
I agree with using Shift instead of CTRL
I agree with using Shift instead of CTRL
I do like having rotation be QWASDE as opposed to SE1 but I'm hoping that once we can map controls we can change "CTRL" to a key or mouse button of our choice.
I do like having rotation be QWASDE as opposed to SE1 but I'm hoping that once we can map controls we can change "CTRL" to a key or mouse button of our choice.
for new players i can agree but i actually want an se 1 control profile for people who are more used to se 1 controls.
for new players i can agree but i actually want an se 1 control profile for people who are more used to se 1 controls.
I also sometimes click CTRL X / C while placing a block.
Although I have become accustomed to placing blocks in this manner, which also seems to be more advantageous to the player, it would be better to use SHIFT to place the blocks
I also sometimes click CTRL X / C while placing a block.
Although I have become accustomed to placing blocks in this manner, which also seems to be more advantageous to the player, it would be better to use SHIFT to place the blocks
There really needs to be a SE1 keybind toggle, and the ability to choose your own keybindings.
I've got a damaged pinky finger, and as such I can't hold the Ctrl key down at all.
Which means currently, I essentially can't play the game, as I'm not able to access block rotation with the current keybindings.
There really needs to be a SE1 keybind toggle, and the ability to choose your own keybindings.
I've got a damaged pinky finger, and as such I can't hold the Ctrl key down at all.
Which means currently, I essentially can't play the game, as I'm not able to access block rotation with the current keybindings.
I found being able to place and rotate blocks with one hand quite interesting, but I would like to see the old system remain as an option.
I found being able to place and rotate blocks with one hand quite interesting, but I would like to see the old system remain as an option.
I'm an athritis sufferer and I do struggle with the Ctrl key in SE2. An option to remap the keys back to the SE1 style layout would be ideal!
I'm an athritis sufferer and I do struggle with the Ctrl key in SE2. An option to remap the keys back to the SE1 style layout would be ideal!
STRG + WASD is also too close on STRG + X and C. Already accidentally pressed the last two, especially C more often, because C is also the key to move your char down, so if you build and want to move down sometimes it could happen, that you still hold STRG.
And STRG + X, well, that is a even more very dangerous shortcut while it cuts out your building out of the world (copy the blocks and removes what exists). In SE1 it was not a problem, but in SE2 while you need STRG + WASD that much, it is a problem (X is directly under S). Also happened two time to me and when I imagine I would build on a asteroid station and the autosave would kick in in the wrong moment. No... I did not even want to imagine that, I would be mad as hell for this control layout. So if you want to keep STRG + WASD, you should build in a safety dialog for STRG+X, it is too dangerous with autosave.
STRG + WASD is also too close on STRG + X and C. Already accidentally pressed the last two, especially C more often, because C is also the key to move your char down, so if you build and want to move down sometimes it could happen, that you still hold STRG.
And STRG + X, well, that is a even more very dangerous shortcut while it cuts out your building out of the world (copy the blocks and removes what exists). In SE1 it was not a problem, but in SE2 while you need STRG + WASD that much, it is a problem (X is directly under S). Also happened two time to me and when I imagine I would build on a asteroid station and the autosave would kick in in the wrong moment. No... I did not even want to imagine that, I would be mad as hell for this control layout. So if you want to keep STRG + WASD, you should build in a safety dialog for STRG+X, it is too dangerous with autosave.
Holding Ctrl for extended periods does suck. Toggle or remap or both. Shift is more comfortable, but there is not a better spot for speed boost/sprint. Mouse side button probably best for me, but not everyone. Ctrl-X is way too easy to hit by mistake. I have done it a few times already. Clickable pop-up would be annoying if cutting by mistake is a recurring issue for people. I can picture me doing it over and over and over again.
Holding Ctrl for extended periods does suck. Toggle or remap or both. Shift is more comfortable, but there is not a better spot for speed boost/sprint. Mouse side button probably best for me, but not everyone. Ctrl-X is way too easy to hit by mistake. I have done it a few times already. Clickable pop-up would be annoying if cutting by mistake is a recurring issue for people. I can picture me doing it over and over and over again.
Agreed! Give us boath keys to rotate the blocks like in SE 1 and an bindable key that when held turns player movement controlls (default qweasd) into rotating keys as well.
Agreed! Give us boath keys to rotate the blocks like in SE 1 and an bindable key that when held turns player movement controlls (default qweasd) into rotating keys as well.
I like the old way. At least, they can give us the keybind adjustments. I was using my numpads for the rotation. Why do they force us anyway?
I like the old way. At least, they can give us the keybind adjustments. I was using my numpads for the rotation. Why do they force us anyway?
The new rotating way works better on different keyboards, for example on laptops where the (old way) rotating keys are all over the place, don't forget that keys will be rebindable at some point.
The new rotating way works better on different keyboards, for example on laptops where the (old way) rotating keys are all over the place, don't forget that keys will be rebindable at some point.
Making CTRL togglable might help for those with a more awkward keyboard arrangement
Making CTRL togglable might help for those with a more awkward keyboard arrangement
I havnt played due to the lack of invert mouse, but, i DO NOT LIKE the block rotation, it is very very clunky!
Please give us the same rotation as S E 1! tHANK YOU KEEN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. I love the new se, but i cant play it due to the invert mouse thing!
I havnt played due to the lack of invert mouse, but, i DO NOT LIKE the block rotation, it is very very clunky!
Please give us the same rotation as S E 1! tHANK YOU KEEN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. I love the new se, but i cant play it due to the invert mouse thing!
I have to partially disagree - WASD is much easier to use, especially given how a handful of keyboards nowadays just forego the insert / pgup / pgdown etc keys entirely. Having the modifier being customisable seems like a good shout though.
I have to partially disagree - WASD is much easier to use, especially given how a handful of keyboards nowadays just forego the insert / pgup / pgdown etc keys entirely. Having the modifier being customisable seems like a good shout though.
wouldnt be so bad if it was hold down ctrl and mouse wheel for rotation
wouldnt be so bad if it was hold down ctrl and mouse wheel for rotation
Its worse for me being lefthanded. I use my mouse with left hand and find it uncomfortable having to use WASD key at best of times without having to include using the ctrl as well into the combination.
Its worse for me being lefthanded. I use my mouse with left hand and find it uncomfortable having to use WASD key at best of times without having to include using the ctrl as well into the combination.
I would like the option of the original SE1 Control Scheme, for rotations, and UI defined blocks. There should be the possibility to add and remap any key to anywhere a player wants, without it being forced onto the player. I don't want to relearn all the new keymaps the Devs put it, I find them annoying, and ill-conceived to be honest.
I would like the option of the original SE1 Control Scheme, for rotations, and UI defined blocks. There should be the possibility to add and remap any key to anywhere a player wants, without it being forced onto the player. I don't want to relearn all the new keymaps the Devs put it, I find them annoying, and ill-conceived to be honest.
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