Feedback on Control Layout: Pros / cons and past experience

HyggeDane shared this feedback 46 days ago
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I Generally like the current controls For SE 2, very intuitive and it's great to have modifier keys like SHIFT and CTRL.

Block Rotation and general interaction is great (I'm Right Handed). But Variant / size selection is very lacking to me. The R / SHIFT + R feels unnatural and is uncomfortable to use. A Nice Alternative could be CTRL + Mouse wheel. When CTRL is already pressed and the plane is locked and precision mode is enabled a simple pull on the wheel would definitely ease the selection process and keep the work flow. Plus it would be a natural modified parallel to cycling through the hotbar selection.

to summarize :

Size / Variants Cycle: CTRL + Mouse wheel

Hotbar / Block cycle: Mouse Wheel

General Ability to change key mapping:

From experience in SE 1 i know that as my workflow and builds evolve i need to be able to change the key layout.

For QOL i always used TAB instead of G as i use the block menu a lot more than the HUD cycle. Inputs for block rotation i put on the NUMPAD along with things like choosing colors and skins, that ability has been very helpful and much appreciated.

But it has always been a great nuisance that some of the other controls of SE 1 is hardcoded - an example could be the handbrake on SPACE as it conflicts with translating thruster output through the event controllers to a WASD, C and SPACE system on rovers. It's just an example, but it's to tell that as the player skills and the game evolves, a fully customizable control layout and the ability to use modifiers can have a great impact on the gameplay experience and building style.

If it's not already planned i hope you will show it some consideration.

I've had a great time in SE 1 and 2 so far - keep up the good work.

Replies (6)


The learning curve is already high enough lets not add more confusion to what we already have, especially with so many people the transfer over from SE1 to SE2.. I agree that Improving the functionality is a good thing but it can happen without reworking the key binds. SE1 is so familiar; however, with the new SE2 key Setup it feels counter intuitive. Keeping the original SE1 key binds is preferred for switching between tool bars and blocks on the tool bar. Especially when using MMB to scroll through block options, now I keep messing up which block I want to use because it is no longer [<] or [>] but a scroll. I don't want to relearn the whole thing again, newbies wouldn't know the difference anyhow unles the also get SE1 and have to learn how to switch between them all over again. Its nice to have the feature of a consistent way to rotate the blocks but the [CTRL]+[W][A][S][D] also inhibits my ability to fly around the object I am working on at the same time I want the old [Page up][Page Dn] button set up to save my pinkies. YES, use the new functionality to have rotation be consistent (1000%) but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep the old key binds.


I know it's been said but using wasd to rotate the blocks means you cannot fly and orientated yourself to see how the block looks before you place. And please give back the scroll wheel options to select blocks! I really like precision mode but when the grid appears it can be difficult to see past. Block destruction has been done really, really well and the lighting is fantastic. Good job all.


I think the method to swap between hotbars (CONTROL+[1-9]) is very awkward past hotbar 4. Perhaps a modifier key (CONTROL, ALT, SHIFT + SCROLL) could be used instead or in addition to?


I also prefer the old controls. You literally had more control available to you, even if there were some slight improvements made to precision. Not being able to fly and build is a problem, and trying to use the same keys for multiple functions makes it easier to select the wrong option.

Custom keybinding would be extremely helpful. Even a legacy and evolved (or whatever) toggle, so you can choose between them would make it easier for experienced engineers.


Seeing how the mouse wheel scrolls through the numbered slots 1-9 seems redundant to me. Freeing that up to switch through block styles like in SE1 seems the optimal method, while keeping "R" as the size key. It's faster to select a block style of a certain size using "Scroll" and "R" independently than it is to only use "R."

I also find it odd that we now have to hold "CTRL" to rotate blocks. Like @Ammorok and @AshleyRiot said, we can't fly and build/rotate at the same time, along with the reduced visibility by the fine 25cm grid. That's a big bummer for me as well

@Matt - good comment about being able to select legacy style controls or the new style. I do like the ease of scrolling through the 1-9 slots, but not at the expense of selecting block style. I definitely see the merit of your comment.




I gave it some more thought.

CTRL + Mouse Wheel is currently Being used to change the distance of blocks. Although that function is only active when creating a new grid. so the initial suggestion in OP is viable.

I do believe that something like the above Picture would be a lot more intuitive and it would make for quick selection In the size / variety options and you would not have to cucle through every block to get to what you want.

The scroll Wheel would still be cycling through the hotbar and the the MMB or CTRL + MMB Will open the radial menu where you can then choose the specifik block and size you want to use. (Since MMB still carries paint functionality)

This Would basically function like a folder structure and could function along side the current R / SHIFT + R.

The Radial Menu could be split left and right by size and slots and radius should expanded dynamically according to the amount of variants.


1: Scroll to navigate hotbar.

2: press the middle mouse button and move mouse to open and navigate the variant radial menu,

By my understanding from the blogposts and streams, I do believe that this system would implement well into the vision for SE 2.

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