Need additional catwalk to allow for flush placement.

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 49 days ago
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Replies (1)


Could you be more specific?


I noticed that, when using triangular catwalks on the edge of a platform, the catwalks were placed one 25cm block higher that the rest of the area. I guess this was because the triangular edge of the catwalk block can not be pressed up to edge of a triangular armour block, and instead the option is to either leave a gap or to place the triangular catwalk above, the armour block.

I think that this will create more build compromises in the future.

If an additional catwalk block was available with both the triangular catwalk section and a triangular armour section making a square tile, then the catwalk could be made level with adjoining armour flooring. This will not fix everyone's needs, but will solve many.

This may leave a colouring issue when there is a desire for the catwalk section to be one colour and the armour section another, unless it is possible to use more than one colour per block.


I still wish you could be more spesific, like add a picture for reference, but:

This is likely still a limitation of the game engine, because compound blocks are not a thing. (2 blocks still cant co-exist inside the same space) However, it seems the limit is 25cm block limit instead of the old limit of a full block or 50cm. you could likely place it on the side with a gap and use armor panels to cover the gap if you dont want to have it sticking up.

You can see the issue here at 0:55


The workaround:

Hide the gaps with armor panels when they are released.



I have not done much 2d in many years, but here goes.

51bdac95729df1849a994b6768a3c9e2This would be a single block.

The other problem is that armour block textures are treated differently from non armour blocks.

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