Method to enable mobile loose grids on a ship to match main ship movements ???

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 58 days ago
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On SE1 I tried to have a rover to get from one end of my ship to the other,

a bit like on the film 'Silent running'.

Tried grav.gen. and space balls. No good

It is problematic.

I did not hit any droids. Huey, Dewey and Louie are OK.

I hit everything else or just floated around.

The wheels just slip

I have just seen an SE2 video about Magboots.

I need Magwheels, or a travelator, or relative velocity and positioning for grid on grid, or something.

Replies (2)



A train track from front to back is a nice solution, just have connectors on each end to lock it, but when the ship is moving, the train, if made right, will stay aligned and using thrusters without share innertia will allow travel from back to front. (Masu's bullet train is a really stable track - bogie design that works fantastic.)



having thrusters pointing to the ground with a slight thrust override is also an idea.

But yes, relativity bubble around capital ships like they do in X4 rebirth would be so nice. so when a small ship closes in to a larger ships sphere of influence, that ship is automatically set to be in relation to the main grid in a kinda bubble around the bigger ship.

kinda like share inertia but in a bubble around the ship.


Wow, that is a lot of engineering, the force of dedication is strong with this one.

The use of interior corridors reminds me of aluminium box profiles used in frame prototyping for xyz systems.

One day in SE I would like to see an automated warehouse and launch system for small craft on a capital ship. Small craft of varying sizes could land and attach to a palette like platform of uniform size on the capital ship. The platform, with the small craft, would be moved inside the capital ship either by a moving arm or on a track to be stored and serviced on what amounts to a giant shelving system inside the capital ship, with many storage compartments on at least 3 levels and on both sides. A new empty landing platform would replace the one that went into storage, ready for the next craft landing. All happening whilst the capital ship is moving at speed and avoiding volleys.

If the pilot were to enter and exit the small ship in the same manner as Thunderbirds the dream would be complete.

All hail Clang.


Actually, magwheels sound pretty awesome. And pretty useful for asteroid mining or very steep terrain. I like that suggestion.

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