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Wind Turbines are not producing electricity

Marcihun12 shared this bug 6 years ago

I started to play in a survival world, and built 2 wind turbines, both of them are producing minimal amount of electricity. I enclose pictures about the building, aswell as pictures about the output information of the Wind Turbines.

Edit: I also tried building the blocks between the Turbines and the Assembler, but it had no effect on the output.

Best Answer

Look at the total power output of your wind turbines and add it up. Currently it is not greater than the maximum required input of the assembler.

Build one more wind turbine and it will work.

In the OP's screenshots that's only 480ish kwh maximum when you need 560kwh to even start the assembler.

Wind turbines do get less efficient for various reasons, I think they are also dependent on atmospheric density and overall occlusion. But you need at least 560kwh of power available for the assembler to run.

I don't see a bug here.

Replies (2)


It's only me guessing but it's maybe because its simulated in a way where the wind can be strong or weak to a point where you produce almost nothing ?

But we need KWH to confirm that tho


Yes, this might also be a thing, but it's still a VERY low amount. It's almost 0.002% of it's capabilities, this shouldn't be that low anyways.


Did you set the Assembler to work on something? If it's just sitting idle that looks like normal output for any power source to be outputting (1kW combined for both).


Yes, I tried to build some components, but the assembling process didn't start, it said "Not enough power".


I have the same problem and on top of that you cant build a battery to store it and you cant create solar panels or some other source of power


Correction you can create solar panels (but you only need a small mountain for this)


Same, but it's not matter wind turbine or solar panel. They both produce summary exactly 1kW for a basic assembler. Idk why it won't consume energy. Tried on europe, titan, eartlike, aliens planets


I needed to build 4 wind turbines in order to get my basic assembler to work.

Before that I had the same problem, turbines delivering small amount of energy, but with 4 of them and the assembler running, power is back (I'm getting 159.36 kW out of 162.68 kW on one of them).

As someone figured out why the max output of the turbines vary ? I could swear my first turbine had less max output with 3 other turbines around that it had with 1 or 2. Does it vary over time or altitude ?


I wonder if the spacing matters - I created a grid of 9 with no space and the centre one was spinning much slower than the outer ones. Also, height above ground level?

If wind speed is variable (a wind vector indicator on the hud could be an idea?) at least that provides reason to still use solar panels even if just as a backup.


I think spacecing does matter, since first I placed the two turbines next to each other, and one of them had a slightly lower maximum output capacity,

As they stated in the livestream last day, the wind is faked, so there's no reason for a wind vector indicator. I think the only thing that influences the maximum output is that it should be in an open area, with no other block nearby.


I built mine up at 18 blocks high and was getting exactly 1 kwh. I tried to build a second one but it would split the power evenly at high altitudes and at lower altitudes it would be less but the two would always equal 1kwh. I'm talking 50 to 100 blocks away from each other in a wide open field.


Look at the total power output of your wind turbines and add it up. Currently it is not greater than the maximum required input of the assembler.

Build one more wind turbine and it will work.

In the OP's screenshots that's only 480ish kwh maximum when you need 560kwh to even start the assembler.

Wind turbines do get less efficient for various reasons, I think they are also dependent on atmospheric density and overall occlusion. But you need at least 560kwh of power available for the assembler to run.

I don't see a bug here.


This might be the case, let me just try building a 3rd Wind Turbine really quickly, and see what happens.


Yes, that was the case! With 3 Wind Turbines it's working, BUT: The phrase maximum required input is a bit misleading I think, because you might think you can use it with a lower amount of input. Simply required input should be better in my opinion. At least we figured out what was the "bug" in that case, thanks for all the answers!


Well the issue is I can't use the assembler. It keeps saying not enough power.


Actually never,mind, that's not the case..

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