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"Simple Start Screen" descriptions

AdaRynin shared this feedback 5 years ago
Not Enough Votes

I gathered some feedback about UI text over time, just dumping it here:

The "Simple Start Screen" looks stylish. :-)

  • "The first jump" description: Would be easier to understand if you swapped the phrases: "While the majority [is like this], this scenario [is like that]". And what about starting with that this is the easy intro tutorial for first-time players? It's great, advertise it more! :-)
  • "Learning to Survive" description: Is this not an example of "Survival mode" too, why not say it?
  • "Never Surrender" description: This preset already has a description (I mean its Message of the Day, "Defend the beacon from hordes of drones, very challenging"). Why is the description on the Simple Start Screen so different, and misleadingly generic?
  • "Red Ship" description: Good idea to have a preset for Creative mode. The description suggests building a space elevator, but there is no planet. Can GoodBot give beginners a hint to "Press Shift F10" to open the Creative menu and paste a planet? Many don't know that.
  • "Custom Game" screen: This screen is still missing decriptions what these presets are. Some have planets, some have asteroids, one has nothing. A new player who heard that SE has "planets and economy" could easily accidentally start on a preset that doesn't have that. And it's not trivial for beginners to add planets and economy later.

Descriptions of blocks on the G-screen:

  • Drill is missing RMB/LMB behaviour description.
  • For the hand tools, the descriptions don't say what the difference between "enhanced/elite/etc." is, are they just faster?
  • Powerkit and Medkit descriptions are missing English articles.

Descriptions of Advanced World Settings:

  • "Enable Drones" is missing its tooltip. "Enemy stations will defend themselves" perhaps?
  • "Enable Voxel Hand" is missing its tooltip. "Allows you to reshape the terrain in creative mode" perhaps?
  • "Enable Jetpack" - Can this setting make a distinction between two cases, "enable jetpack in zero-g" and "enable jetpack in gravity"?

Load screen tips:

  • "Stuck? Pressing Backsp enables you to respawn".
    => Should be "Backspace". Shouldn't it also mention that it makes us lose our inventories?
  • "When holding a blueprint in creative mode, you can use B to align them to a planet's Gravity."
    => Either "to align it" or "When holding blueprints".

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