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Safe Zone not pulling zone chips

cousin doogal shared this bug 5 years ago

Safe zone not pulling zone chips from attached cargo containers

zone chip runs out and safe zone has to be manually reloaded then reinitialized.

Replies (3)



Thanks for the report


Having the same issue right now on xbox public server EOS US #2. The safe zone "wall" is on but the zone isn't protecting the area. There are over 30 zone chips in a small cargo container directly attached to the zone generator but it won't use them.


Any status on when this will be fixed? this is quite annoying.. infact extremely..



I tested this yesterday and it was working without any issue. Can you provide us some BP, where it's not working?


I am currently at work, will be home soon. But it's on NA #3 Official server - Grid name 'UBER HQ' it's our faction station, and we have issues with permissions on the safe zone block if my faction mate enables DLC content which i do not own and apply to the safe zone block. I will provide a file when i get home, i am also on your discord under same name for direct access to BP and/or additional files. i can also test this on my local dedicated server and troubleshoot the matter in an isolated environment if need be.


Here is the BP in mention with all faction members attached ships to represent its current state on the server at this time.

We have 73 zone chips in the system, only 7 in the safe zone, we have to log in every day and manually drag them into the block or it dies.

We can from any cargo drag the chips into the block so it is conveyor connected.

Used to be placed in the cargo directly attached to the back, i've also tried to put a sorter to push the chips directly into the safe zone block, that only made the system bounce them around containers as it was "rejected" by the sorter block and made then continously get transported around.


Just a guess however, I believe this only occurs in multiplayer on servers running Torch with the Concealment plugin. Once the grid is unloaded by concealment, then reloaded back in.

It would be great to have this corrected if you guys collaborate with the Torch devs.


my server when testing this was not running anything but a clean install. But i cannot speak for the providers keen is using for their official servers

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