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Limiting Gold to planets

Mike Angel shared this feedback 6 years ago

Currently, planets have esentially nothing going for them. Their starts are slower and harder than space, they have no uranium (which is much more significant than them not having platinum, as platinum is mainly only used in space), and are, in general, a worse and harder envirorment to build than space.

By limiting gold to planets, players would be force to interact with them, one way or another, even if they want to get lost in space. Currently gold is needed for jump drives and refinery upgrades, so its pretty vital while not being something you will use all the time (like iron). This change would force players to land on planets and/or moons to collect gold for their space builds from time to time. This task is made harder (and thus interesting) now that you actually have to worry about inventory space.

It would also reduce how easy it is to dissapear in the vastness of space, which would help focus the player base of servers in the area around planets, which leads to (somewhat more) player interaction; and it could potentially spark a gold-uranium trade between planet and space players.

Obviously this change shouldnt be applied to worlds with no planets in them.

Replies (3)


A consideration... Most new players start on planets and have NO real defenses. It's just the most common choice picked to start at. Gold is a later game material for the most part. Effectively you are encouraging MORE well defended and stocked players to play amongst the newbs on planets. This is almost never a good idea unless you have a veteran class server. The disparity among the encounter types would be huge and would happen with auto-turrets.

If you make it ice. it gives your same need effect (logisitics/etc) as well as limiting exposure to the mass of newbs on a planet as they tend to NOT settle on the ice caps.


Veterans raiding players in planets is already a common thing, as is the only place you can find anyone to raid


Given the size of SE planets and the limited player cap, even on servers push over 100 players, it's a lot easier to get resources by avoiding conflict or cooperating than it is to get them by pushing someone off an ore patch. It's not as though resources are in short supply in SE. So if veteran players are picking on noobs who have nothing by way of defences. That's not really a server worth playing on.


Why did you even comment? No real support or denial of support to the original Post. No added value. Just nay-saying! I mentioned Auto-turrets and did not mention veteran players encountering newbs. I didn't even mention intentional encounters. It happens: Unintentionally. Now, with the idea as originally presented, this would happen MORE often. I simply suggested a similar concept that would reduce the chance encounters yet still provide much of the same original concept. What are you offering constructively to encourage more reason to interact with planets? None. None at all.

What I Also did imply is that with a Veteran Class server it should not be an issue of a need for separation as it is implied that you are a Veteran or at least know that's what you are getting into by even signing on. I never mentioned anything about Veterans intentionally attacking Newbs... Der?


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you very much for you feedback.

We really appreciate all of the suggestions, ideas, and bug reports we receive from our amazing community, as we truly believe that this feedback combined with our own design philosophies help us to create better games for everyone.

While we can’t always implement all of the ideas we receive, we’d like to let you know that your feedback and passion for Space Engineers hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Please note: Earth is specific in the way that there is no uranium.

Kind regards,

The Space Engineers Team


Wait, only the earth has no uranium? I thought that applied to all planets/moons

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