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[01.189.027+ playtest] New/Enemy Player Spawn distance

Nikolas March shared this feedback 6 years ago

[01.189.027+ playtest] New/Enemy Player Spawn distance is too close, it can and has been abused, this needs to be removed, you should not be forcing a situation where one player can meet another just popping in from nowhere! The rest of the new spawn mechanic is ok, but this new player spawn needs to be as random as it can be!

Replies (4)


Yeah, this will definitely be abused. If it has to stay in, please just make it a world setting or something we can disable.


Spawn ramming is back.



Yeah, this definitely will be abused more than it is useful. Players who spawn and don't like their spawn are very likely to just point their ship at a random radar blip and suicide out for fun.

Plus it feels infinitely more immersive when you do not spawn near anyone and have to go out of your way to communicate with and find someone. Likewise, if someone wants to join a faction, it's much more immersive if they are forced to just join by spawning at the kit/med bay as opposed to just being able to pop in with a full ship of resources.


We've been playing a lot on the Playtest servers and a few trolls kept spawning near us while crashing their spawnship into our bases/ships. Although the setting is changeable the standarts should be at least 20km. We brainstormed for a good while now and the only way that we thought of is setting a Remote Control on Autopilot and let it fly to a few GPS markers. It will take a lot of Energy and will only work for Ships. Our Mothership is absolutly huge and can't handle flying around all the time. This defiently needs to be changed.

Sorry about my Grammar.


"only way that we thought of is setting a Remote Control on Autopilot and let it fly to a few GPS markers."

i dont see how this helps... New Players spawn thing, or non-faction members, near existing players, not existing grids, so they will spawn near you, but it has been changed slightly, that 'optimal respawn distance' value, is now a minimum, and will definitely include non-faction (enemy) players, whereas my testing showed that it did not include non-faction players on the previous test.

so this works as both advantage and disadvantage, i will always be making sure it is set high to keep griefer assholes away :D


IS this Space Engineers or Space Griefers? Yes.. Something needs to be changed. This is an engineering /building game that has essentially been in a hard turn toward RUST or DAYZ game play style; KOS, gank, Troll, and grief. We have a nice larger number of PCU now but it is hard to go against those that have smaller, faster ships, whose only goal in life, literally, is to find logged off players and gank them. A$$HATS. They don't build or offer anything else to the game other than being leaches to good game play and highly enjoy littening to people in chat go off about it. I had a rough last few days, mostly dumb mistakes I made but finally got ahead of the curve. I was WELL on my way to being finally safer, enough that I felt I could logoff with some sort of confidance this last night.

So, with thousands of rounds of gat ammo and a number of missiles for my measely three turrrets, I jump far into deeper space, away from the last area I was at because I know players were spawned nearby. I kept running across them so I moved along. I found a nice quiest far away spot a few million K away. I parked well away from roids, no antenna on, resource heavy so I can come back and do my real build. Nothing flashy or too big that is is easily seen. Scout and find no evidence of other playersa at all nearby and logoff. Best I can do without hiding in a hole or putting ship on a sensor to jump when attacked (Man, I wish)...

Nope. noit safe. Log in after 4 hours or so and all is lost. Oh, I know the grid existed still, but it's no longer where it was (fortunately I was able to spawn nearby to check). So, someone took over my bed bay, and moved the whole ship. I deleted it from my grids listing but does thsat delete it or just revert owenership to nuetral? Anyway, so when I log in a player I have not seen before goes, "Oh, there you are", the one who I beleive ganked me trying to troll bait me. Three days of fun and overcoming my own mistakes to this. What happend to limited offline grid protection? Be3leive me when I say I understand PVP ands its risks... buit with an unlimited size map, NO WHERE IS EVEN SLIGHTLY SAFE ANYMORE. You will be founf, which means the odds arer, you will get ganked. It's just a matter of time.

Sure.. building more turrets may seem logical... No. These types know how to take you out. It's what they do. They specialize in it. They run your ammo down with patience or find a blind side. Or send in decoys.Once gained, they grind you spawn point, and you are out. That is the extent of their gameplat unless they decide to troll about it. You may be safer for a bit hiding in a tiny hole.. but what fun is that? Space is so large that parking in open space is safer than parking at a roid. BUT... it does not seem to matter anymore.. 1k from center or 4mil. They will spawn near you and since that is what they do.... all advantages are to them. While you sleep...

I am down with mutual PVP, or at minimum, PVP with people online. However, it is sooooo annoying to log back in, find all or most of your grids gone, and with someone going, "shoulda built little back up bases, shoulda parked in a safer place, etc". LOL. SO helpful, especially when you know they are grinning and was the one who ganked you. They seemingly defend attacks like this. Never so often as lately except on tiny map servers have I encountered so many people. As the years went by in development as a sandbox environment, they never developed the skill or desire to build, just hunt and destroy players they find with glee and rub it in thinking and playing like they are pirates when in actuallity, real pirate players have honor.

Look, I know it's a pvp game, but seriously, that's not PVP. Your ship/base is effectively NPC while you are logged out. That's A$$HAT versus sitting duck.


if keen makes half of the userbase get pissed off and leave then maybe they wont get as much heat for not finishing their own GD game. this NEEDED to be fixed at OP, and it NEEDS to be fixed NOW. This CAN, IS, and WILL destroy pvp across all servers. this is happening. keen get off your asses and unfuck your shit.




I can confirm that it only takes five resawns to zero in on a persons position.

About two minutes or so, even with variable "distance".

One you have that, you just use those unlimited respawn resources to bomb them with the space pod "bomber" over and over again.

There does not appear to be any way to avoid without a server change.

Once you log in "near someone", you will always spawn near them whether they are powered or not, whether they jump away, even as enemies...why is this even a thing.

Makes jump drives, long distance travel, or carefull concealment totally useless.

Non-building griefers can just dive bomb you with their unlimited server-spawned ships.

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