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A use for all that gravel... Concrete!

Christopher Brandt shared this feedback 6 years ago

Since we now have all this extra gravel that will essentially be thrown on the ground because it's a waste product, why not give it a use, concrete blocks.

Large static grid only, needs a little iron. Perfect starting material to build a base out of, especially with iron being so very precious early in the new progression. Without a use for gravel, and reactor components need so little it's still not worth keeping, all it's good for is cluttering up your inventory and cargo containers.

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Replies (6)


This has been wanted by many for a long time.

Pretty please Keen?!

Not to push my luck but something to mix the concrete in would be great too...



Gravel should have more use and it would ease the start of the game.


To be honest, i would be happy with just been able to hold the gravel and patch some holes on the ground, aka putting back some stone voxel on the terrain.

Something like voxel hands but survival-y.

Edit : Imagine the statues we could build!


They could re-purpose voxel hands. They would need to severely limit it though to make it balanced. I too have had situations where I dug too far or mis-clicked, exposing areas I did NOT want to expose. Have you created a post about this here? Then we could vote on that too.


It could be limited to only work in gravity, only fill holes and to be able to patch a hole you would need to add and weld a block under to stop it from falling through.

It should also loose material in the process so if you drill it out you get less stone back than the gravel you added so it do not increase resources to much.

Maybe add it as a mode to ejectors, short range, to smooth out the ground below.


If we get Concrete Blocks, they should take damage over time and eventually be destroyed if they're not part of a Static Grid.

That way, they're useful for planet/asteroid bases but you don't get anything silly like concrete torpedoes/ships.


A torpedo doesn't have to have long shelf life for it to be useful; it can be printed just prior to being fired.

Personally, I think concrete should just be extra heavy and perhaps weaker in general.


I agree they should add that. Refineries should be used to create cement out of ...something, than just add ice and gravel and you have concrete. Its not a question if it can be done, only if they want to.


Is it possible for the game engine to put to ressources to make one component ?


Please no...


This has been a mod I think it is called concrete tool I do not know the state of the mod it may or may not be working but it is proof of concept and would be great to see it implemented in to the game its self


I tested it once. Not a bad idea but needed a lot of girder so it wasn't such an iron economy. Plus, the concrete slabs where VERY heavy so we could only carry a few at a time and therefore have to make more back and forth to build large spaces, so it wasn't either a time economy ^^


Yeah, it would be good, but it should be balanced properly. It shouldbe stupidly cheap blocks with stupidly high mass.


Hi, Everyone!

Thank you very much for you feedback.

We really appreciate all of the suggestions, ideas, and bug reports we receive from our amazing community, as we truly believe that this feedback combined with our own design philosophies help us to create better games for everyone.

While we can’t always implement all of the ideas we receive, we’d like to let you know that your feedback and passion for Space Engineers hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Unfortunately, we are not going to implement this feature because of the complex nature of this suggested feature.

Perhaps we will re-visit this feature in the future project.

Kind regards,

The Space Engineers Team


So will have to stick to the several existing mods to use this "complex" feature, just as usual


Just reskin the armour blocks and decrease their durability? :S How is this a "Complex feature", all of the features are already there :S


This would just be like the opposite of the heavy armor blocks. Fragile block out of rock and super heavy to discourage usage in spaceships.

Make a "brick" component and make the blocks use only one of them (like how small grid armor blocks do with steel plates) so you really have to use that gravel to have a block.

You may even include some iron in the recipe (a low amount or it would defeat the purpose)


keen, your being dumb again. omg just make a concrete block!!!! how hard is that??:?!!!


Stone blocks :). Heavier than heavy armor, so as not to build stone ships. May, for example, have increased protection against explosions or bullets.


Atleast now we will be geting the survival kit, i plan on building a system of several of those to further refine stone and get iron, nickel, silicon out of it, than just get rid of useless remains.



Can you explain what is complex about adding additional blocks to the game for concrete? Concrete blocks that are harder than metal (and static station only) would be a perfect addition and get rid of the problem of hard landings on bases breaking the base..


People ... Obviously we are giving you a problem of obscure interests.

The author of the mod mentioned has already given carte blanche to anyone who wants to proceed with his mod. For he himself has no time for that.

We could go on discussing the rebalancing to a definitive new mod or passing the parameters to it (not polluting the Steam workshop with repeated things).


How about if you throw out stone or gravel it will become a mound of dirt on the ground, is let's say you have a hole and you toss in gravel it uses a set volume and fill in the hole more you throw the bigger the pile of dirt. No blocks no exploit, you could use this to burry your above ground building to hide it,

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