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[01.189.020] static grids not falling when disconnected from voxel

Nikolas March shared this feedback 6 years ago

for a while now, static grids not falling when disconnected from voxel.

i thought this was just a bug that has not yet been fixed, now i find that it was an intentional optimisation, can we have this looked at please, maybe make this optimisation only be active when using Adaptive Simulation Quality? i mean, this is what it is for right?

Replies (3)


There is checkbox for this in worlds advanced settings (Station voxel support).


thats not part of it, this issue is whether that option is enabled or disabled, so with that disabled, this issue still happens, its if its over a certain size, or if it is the largest grid or something, thats the information people have told me


Station Voxel Support doesn't matter, a dev said this is intended "Thank you for your contacting us, but this behaviour is intended for optimization." This use to work and than they had to "optimize" fun out of the game. In the picture I posted is a ship ramming a building and one of the towers is floating but the other is falling. Keen added this crazy restrictive setting that I feel like going to mislead a lot of players. Being a engineering game that show cases some destruction in the trailer, than you get to destroying a base only to have most of it floating.

*In a nutshell don't restrain the fun thats only possible in SE. Give us who want to experience the crazy fun a option to turn it on and off. Like stated before just tie this with Adaptive Simulation Quality I never play SE with this on because everything becomes padded,soft and boring.


I was just informed about this absurdly coded in hard-limit on ship conversion even though I have the option disabled for un-supported ships. 256 blocks? Pfft what happened to the scalability of this game?

Every design I've managed to make has been put on back burners when updates come out breaking the entire design. Now I have to include a mod with my design, which by the way I try to make vanilla as possible, in order for it to continue working? Stop supporting potato PCs maybe?

I'll say it. Star Citizen is making strides with it's performance budget and sheer vast scale and pushing it even further than I ever imagined, still. Meanwhile a game I've backed since day one became vast and huge and at the same time limited locally to what is possible.

Why are so many features that I've never had issue with before, being removed and limited?


it has been changed already, the value was upped to 1024, but you are better off with not having 'Unsupported Stations' enabled in the game... then there should be no limit.

it should be the way we all want it now, buildings properly collapsing and parts fall off them, instead of being stuck in the air, Ryukki often shows videos of this carnage on keen discord


Sadly I had to enable a mod for it to work, Within a quarter of the 1024 limit and they simply wouldn't convert. The unsupported stations option is unticked and I even tried a brand new world twice. Even tried both ways of enabling and disabling the convert to station tickbox.

A pasted copy of the originally built-in place version simply won't auto convert - Is what I'm finding this must be.

Ohh I'm dumb and didn't mention - I pasted it into solid rock and carved it out with the voxel hand tool while they were attached to the parent grid - Every time afterwards, even trying and re-building the entire thing from scratch, they simply won't convert on their own now when merge blocks are turned off.


for pasted grids, you need to paste it in space,, make it dynamic, then take a BP of it, to paste in the voxel, then it will be the voxel that makes it static, and not 'it being set to static manually'


I have the same issue, what is the point of having a merge block in the game in the first place if your ships/ large doors keep getting stuck as a static grid when you disconnect them, if you want to have the game optimized by default, have unsupported station enabled by default, and then let players turn off unsupported stations if they want

right now you just have a stupid little tick box that does nothing

keen: do you want unsupported stations?

player1: I want them

player 2: I don't want them

keen: actually I don't care about your opinion you can all play with unsupported stations because I don't give a $*@$ about your opinion


There is a mod called "No Supported Stations" to address what keen cannot.


the option labelled "Unsupported Stations" is to allow players to turn their ships into static grids, anywhere, without being embedded in, or merged to another grid that is embedded in voxels, (static grids unsupported by voxels), it is not the setting to change how grids split in general, though intentionally making a grid static does (or is supposed to) change how the grid acts when part of it is split off

based from Petr's comments when the code was changed...

(terminology, static grid = station, dynamic grid = ship)

if a ship was made static by it being embedded in voxels (not manually converted to a static grid/station through the info tab), and the split off part is no where near voxels bounding box (the bounding box of a voxel is huge, use a sensor to detect planet voxels on the very rough terrain to see it), then the entire split off part will be dynamic.

if a ship was either manually converted to a static grid/station through the info tab, or the split off grid was within the bounding box of a voxels, then the split off grid will need to be under 1024 blocks to become a dynamic grid, and a split off grid over 1024 blocks will remain a static grid and look like it is floating.

with the obvious part being that if a grid is clearly still embedded in voxels, it will remain a static grid

if it isnt working this way, then it would be a bug, maybe a regression :)



if there is a static station created by player and you split it, there is no clear way how to say which part should be dynamic.

If the station is static because its part is in the voxel, then when split, part outside the voxel become dynamic if less than 256 blocks.


yes this is the problem, it isnt very cinematic, and its not very 'realistic' looking either...


Yea, this is a problem. A lot of people expect buildings to fall over when you attack them at the bottom or breaking a bridge in half. Its a not only fun to build stuff but its also lots of fun going demolition engineer on them. I feel like this is only going to back fire and make people disappointed. Reason why I bought SE back in 2013 was the blue and red ship collided in the trailer and it showed the destructive possibility that you could only get in SE and planets made it better. Everyone isn't going to build a space elevator and cut it at the bottom and cry.

Also I found a way but its not the best because sub grids get VERY WEIRD when they deform and it only makes me miss the old destruction in SE. When I could just paste a prop of a building and make a small city and play around in. Subgrids sometimes shake very violently once they deform and kill anyone touching it which wouldn't happen if we had how static buildings function in Alpha.


This behavior was changed in latest public build:

- if there is no collision with voxels in grid bounding box and it is not manually converted to station, split ship is changed to dynamic

- if there is collision with voxels detected only max 1024 block splits might be converted to dynamic grid

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