Problème récurrent de sauvegarde urgent

Narley72 shared this bug 24 hours ago


 suite à 400 heures de jeux ,la sauvegarde du jeux se met à ne plus fonctionner  ,je suis obligé de desintaller le jeux et le réinstaller pour que ça fonctionne 10 minutes et ensuite même problème 

Voilà un problème qui gâche mon expérience du jeux ,j ai contacté playstation pour un remboursement si aucune solution n'est trouvée....voici en pièces jointe une photo du problème 

Merci de me répondre car ceci est le 3 em message que je vous envoie 


Bruno allias narley72 

Replies (4)



Thank you for contacting Keen Software House.

What can we help you with?

Support tickets are processed in English.

Please post your response in English.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House


Good morning

after 400 hours of games, the game backup starts to no longer work, I have to uninstall the games and reinstall it so that it works for 10 minutes and then same problem

This is a problem that is ruining my gaming experience, I contacted PlayStation for a refund if no solution is is attached a photo of the problem

Please reply to me because this is the 3rd message I have sent you


Bruno Allias Narley__72


Good morning  after 400 hours of games, the game backup starts to no longer work, I have to uninstall the games and reinstall it so that it works for 10 minutes and then same problem  This is a problem that is ruining my gaming experience, I contacted PlayStation for a refund if no solution is is attached a photo of the problem  Please reply to me because this is the 3rd message I have sent you  Cdt Bruno Allias Narley__72



Thank you for your reply in English. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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