Wind turbine producing repeatable crash on DS

Chad Turney shared this feedback 5 years ago

Tonight we were able to crash our DS with a blueprint containing a wind turbine in space

The user put the blueprint in the projector. Upon welding the wind turbine on the projector, the DS crashes.

It is repeatable, we did this 3 times to verify it is what is causing the crash.

Let me know if I can do / get anything for you.

Edit: Attached the world file with the grid and blueprint in question.

The grid name is Comfy's_Hideaway. If you weld the wind turbine on the projector there, the game will crash the DS.


Replies (2)


I'm having the same problem - welding a projected turbine crashes on both SP and MP, but if I simply build a turbine in its place it works.


This is a bug report not just feedback.

The server I play on crashes and reboots whenever I try to weld up a turbine from a blueprint being projected by a projector.

I know this because the server will revert to 5 minutes before on the last autosave that was made.

I can confirm this is actually a bug.

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