Will We Ever See a Return of Smooth Mining?

Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon shared this feedback 4 years ago

Back in 2015, mining asteroids used to be a much smoother looking process. Nowadays it has a distinct stutter to it as the voxel updates.

I believe this update was around 1.113. Prior to this, mining was almost buttery smooth with voxel updates occuring multiple times a second, contrasted with the 1-2 seconds per update now. Drills felt like they were actually carving rock and ore out rather than just deleting a small volume. This video from Last Stand Gamers is a good showcase of the previous mining, and here is a video where he mentions the changes. Here is a forum topic regarding the changes as well.

I understand that this change was done to improve the performance of the game, given that some people experience simulation speed drops while drilling.

It would be nice if we had the option to adjust this update speed ourselves, even on a slider of some sorts. With how hardware has changed, as well as the advancements to the game over the past 5 years I believe this is an issue worth revisiting.

Replies (1)


That would be wonderful. As it currently is, "drilling" feels more like "hammering" with little control over what's being removed, leading to twisted and crooked tunnels.

As working with the hand drill is a huge part of players' initial experience with the survival game I would consider it worthwhile to focus some effort into make it a more pleasant experience.

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