We need a more powerful gyro for capital ships.

Sebi One shared this feedback 4 years ago

I have a capital ship 450m in length, and the game handles it beautifully with very little frame lag, but as the mass goes up, and I add layer after layer of gyroscopes to my build, stuttering becomes an issue.

I propose a 3x3 or 4x4 capital ship gyroscope that is 50x as powerful as a standard gyroscope. It should be expensive to build, as by the time you reach the point in your game in which you are building capital ships, you should be able to afford the investment in materials.

Just a side note, capital ship components could be a whole new category of build options that focus more on very large, simple models for better frame rates and improved ship handling. You could even make a capital ship DLC with huge, powerful thrusters and larger airtight doors, things of the like.

Replies (1)


Gyros like thrusters become a diminishing returns item as the more you add, the less each new one adds to the effect to a point where adding more actually takes away effect.

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