Vacuuming the ores (New Block Suggestion)

Selim SÖNMEZ shared this feedback 6 years ago

Something like this thing (video) would be pretty beneficial for mining in gravity imo. Main issue with planetary (gravity) mining is wheels are unreliable on rough terrain and going down in a mineshaft with it isnt helping much. So it could be nice if we hose down a vacuum block from top to the floor level of the mining area and keep drilling the area around it, only for the ores to keep rolling into that hose and get succ'd.

Replies (1)


Drills hold the ore they mine in their inventory, this is redundant.


They are talking about hand drilling and having a pipe suck up all the hand drilled ore while the vehicle remains up top I think. It's not the same.


There's no air in space so a vacuum wouldn't function.


In atmosphere, this would work.


Indeed it is for planets and hand drilling. There is already collector block but it is kinda big for small grid.. And i dont think it collects anything unless things touch its collecting side?


You are correct about collectors, but what planet has an atmosphere and low enough gravity for mining to be annoying?


It is the high gravity ( around 1g) which makes planetary mining tedious imo. Flying miners need alot of upthrust to compensate for their cargo, this needs more energy consumption and bigger rig and if i dont put a decent amount of sidethrusters as well i just crash on any tilting that happens. Which is why i'd like reliable way for me to transfer my hand-drilled ores to my rover which i come to the mineshaft with. Only solution i found for this to have a large grid rover with a drill connected to pistons, dip the drill and keep it running so it collects the ores that i drop. But this is a big and unreliable solution still..


I don't see how a vacuum block helps, how strong do you want this vacuum block to be? And cant you just put down artificial gravity to make mining ships easy to maneuver?


How am i supposed to arrange an artificial gravity field when i am having trouble getting resources to start with? It doesnt need to be huge just 1-2 (small) blocks ahead of the surface should be sufficient. Or fixing pistons also could help since a drill is already doing what i am asking for here, just a bit bigger. But shaking drills with small grid pistons (multiple pistons attached back to back) is a very good way to summon clang.

Edit: stuff in space and stuff on planets require different solutions yet only difference in tools are thruster differences and wheels. Rest are the same.


I think a tractor beam would be cooler. You could park your rover or ship over a hole and it would suck in any free floating objects.


That is manageable in space with artificial gravity, not on planets tho. And a tractor beam would require enormous enegy to operate and using it for the said ores would be a little bit overkill imo. For planetary stuff using it to mine ores would be impossible almost just because it would require clear LOS with the ores and mineshafts tend to be stone mazes underground.

Edit; Opening a small hole and sending down a vacuum cleaner on the other hand doesnt require you to create a crater on top of the shaft.


To be fair a vacuum isn't exactly designed for sucking up heavy rocks either.


And usually when I mine in space Engineers it takes a shape closer to a crater or 1 straight tunnel.


Put a drill on your ship and make sucking noises

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