[ModAPI] Update IMyGps and IMyGpsCollection Interfaces

Meridius_IX shared this feedback 6 years ago

What we're currently able to do in ModAPI regarding GPS management is bit fragmented it seems. While we can create and modify some details of GPS (through IMyGps and IMyGpsCollection), there are some things we cannot access or change from these interfaces.

The visual scripting class, MyVisualScriptLogicProvider, allows us to do a few other things with GPS that we cannot do with the ModAPI interfaces. Specifically among them is changing the color of a GPS signal (which would be nice to access in IMyGps), and also attach GPS to entities (would be useful if added to IMyGpsCollection). It's inconvenient to do this through MyVisualScriptLogicProvider because you can only target GPS by their name, which feels a little cumbersome at times.

If these could be added to the ModAPI interfaces, it would be highly appreciated!

Replies (3)


Finding gps by name is VERY inefficient if the same name is used multiple times. It seems to grab the first one it finds and modify only that one.


+1. Please add this!!!!


There should be mod API access to the whole signal system so we can easily hide or filter with mods all signals on the screen.

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