Transparent Power Management

CookeRS shared this feedback 6 years ago

I feel with more emphasis on Battery Usage and Solar/Wind which recharge our batteries, there needs needs to be a better interface for seeing "where is the power going?"

On a small station or ship with a few components. It's easy enough to figure out what's draining the battery. But when you have lots of components and you're trying to recharge your battery(s). It would be helpful to have an easy to manage and easy to view "power grid" by where it is easy to toggle on/off blocks and view blocks based on their power current usage.

This would also better 'educate' players on what blocks use what amounts of power.

Another thought that kind of branches off this one. Is the ability to 'link' batteries in a form of 'array' on any one grid. So that it can be easier to manage battery levels and recharging.

Replies (3)


(I don't know why my feedback double posted)


You can group batteries ofcourse and change their settings. But it does not provide charging/discharging statistics. That would certainly be nice.


I'm usually using MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2 script in a Programmable Block to show an energy summary from my ships/stations on an LCD Screen.

It would be good to have a vanilla way of getting info about this. Like the total Energy Consumption, the Stored Power and the Energy Production.

Maybe when you select the Cockpit in the Control Panel it could be displayed somewhere?

Or the Control Seats/Cockpits should display it on their own functionless screens as default?

I don't know.

MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2 script in the workshop:

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