The New Dampeners Mode

Chris Hubbird shared this feedback 6 years ago

Can you Looke on to enemy crafts ? If Yes this Might Give a Edge to the Aggressors in this case The Enemy faction if this is true to would be very easy to destroy given target i might suggest that you or team make it so only friendly can looke on to given targets

Replies (4)


But why? Aggressors should be dealt with steel and fire, not by preventing suits active cruise control. Perhaps new block, sort of suits sensor disrupter?


For gameplay reasons this would be good. Being able to inertia-lock onto enemy craft means I now instantly compensate for any of the enemies attempts to out maneuver me. Takes the fun out of it for both players.


I disagree with that, mostly because the speed limit cap is so low. You’re more maneuverable than thhem, or not. Either way this is well inside turret range and more of a matter of “how annoying should this be to scrap”?


Last time I tried to capture spawned SPRT planetary ship (thanks to Meridius Modular Encounter Spawner), I was not able to get dampener lock on it from 1km nor 200m. Not even when I was inside in spacesuit only.

=> seems that this idea is moot.

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