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the current unrealistic Missile Impulse makes NPC combat unplayable

Nikolas March shared this feedback 6 years ago

Originally posted as a bug, with the bug being the result of the way missile/explosion impulse affects things in game, not the 'feature' itself being bugged...

<Original Post>

the current unrealistic Missile Impulse makes NPC combat unplayable, and multiplayer PVP combat silly, as the ship that gets the first hit has an extra advantage of the defender having unrealistic movement/rotational forces applied to his/her ship!

its a great feature, but like nearly all new features added, it has been way overdone.

missile/explosion impulse applied to the target is based on the mass of the target, what madness is this?

vanilla cargo ship NPCs being the worst as they dont correct their trajectory after a few missile hits, they end up flying off faster than you can catch them.

can we please have some common sense put into this great feature? :)

link to 'bug' post

Replies (19)


Well ... explosion impulse (change in velocity, direction and rotation) applied to target SHOULD be based on the mass of the target. Inversely.


Everyone knows that acceleration (from an explosion) is directly proportional to the cinematics of an explosion, and inversely proportional to logical expectation of acceleration on massive bodies.


- Michael Bay's Third Law of Motion


Agreed. Some force is fine, but the current magnitude of force imparted is absurd and saps the game of enjoyment, unless one is constantly stopping grids through the space master commands.


As an example- shooting a dog or player with a gatling turret sends it flying through the air at 100m/s for several hundred meters- this is in no way, shape or form even remotely realistic, or enjoyable to put up with. The previous system was absolutely fine where shot targets were pushed away slightly, I see no reason why it needed to be changed- the new system is not better, it is ridiculous- Keen, please undo these unwarranted and unnecessary change and listen to your player-base.


It is insane to have a large ship fly off like a piece of tissue paper in a hurricane. This definitly needs work. Or to be removed/disabled in the short term. A battleship should move an inch from a rocket explosion, not travel at light speed.


Completely agree this makes the game very frustrating especially trying to salvage your kills. Kind of makes going after targets for loot pointless.


It also makes smaller ships completely ineffective against even small rocket launchers - the second you get clipped by an explosion you're stuck doing a 720 backside ollie until you're destroyed.

For large ships it equally makes no sense that a battlecruiser with hundreds of thrusters and gyros starts doing a barrel roll after taking a single broadside of rockets.


All of this.

Please for the love of Clang fix this!!

*bribes Aragath with beer*


It's true the current missile system is too much and I personally am puzzled why is it done this way.

While the mass does affect how much you are launched backwards, a single rocket can change a target's motion by 8m/s minimum depending which direction they are sent to, which is absurd and by no means realistic. It probably doesn't mean much if there is only one rocket or so, but it is far from being "doesn't mean much" when there are a large amount of turrets/rocket barrages sent down range. Fights will quickly become where ships are being flipped everywhere because of the overly powerful knockback, and small grid fighters will basically be completely deleted right after the first rocket successfully hit the ship.


A quarter of the amount of force would seem to make sense. Being knocked off course... okay... being knocked into next Wednesday... not okay.


fix it, it's crap


okay so two things, How would it even make a shockwave in space when there's no medium to make a shockwave in. WHY THE HELL does it scale UP with larger ships?


The shockwave is created by the rapidly gassified explosive itself. As for the mass... hopefully it's a '-' that's supposed to be a '+' and Keen will fix it.


Shockwave in space loses power with (distance)^3 - you lose that shockwave transferring medium very fast.

Even with direct hit, the shockwave is mediated by affected hull mostly, not by the explosion gases.

However on planet with atmosphere things are more in line as we know it.

TLDR -> missile explosions should be affected by atmosphere density.


The explosion material IS the medium + some part of the shockwave gets transfered through target material, pushing off of the missile projectile it self + the explosion material, with the effect being enhanced to make the impact feel more pronounced. What doesn't make sense is that the impulse increases with ship mass, when really it should be the other way around. It would be cool seeing a little fighter getting absolutely blasted at max speed and rotation after 2-3 missile impacts while large ship would not budge.


Hi guys, thank you for the suggestion.


Same goes for players being flung a couple hundred meters back after getting shot with a single bullet... tis silly...


Aye; not too many things are sillier than watching it rain dogs, literally, just because of my 25 mm defense guns happened to score a few hits.


The gatling turret would shoot massive bullets irl. You wouldn't get launched back, you'd dissolve into a fine pink mist.


Still a huge issue; especially with explosive components being too explosive. A bundle of explosive components can detonate and throw every grid within 500M at max speed


I take part in loads of multiplayer survival combat and i totally agree with this. This feature also leads to bugs where the ship can develop ghost movements slowing and speeding the ship up for no reason making piloting almost impossible . This fixes when you relog which makes no sense. Its similar to when you have loose parts floating around in your ship .


Why do so many people dislike this? has there been a bot attack?

If these is real people, and not bots, then you should let people have ideas and not swarm them with dislikes.


In my opinion this is a great idea.


This issue has actually been mostly fixed, its now only a little bit unrealistic, im happy with the change that was done :)

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