The console block's hologram should be a bit less transparent...

Humorous Humor shared this feedback 4 years ago

I can barely see my ships, especially ones with darker paint schemes. It'd be very nice if the projection was just a bit less see through. Thank you :)

Replies (3)


Actually, the new client plugin I'm working on could actually be used to change the transparency. (Please read the video's description.) Its primary goal is to provide multi-grid blueprint welding capability, but the transparency would be an interesting properly to tune. I take it as a suggestion.


So, the transparency has been changed, because Keen broke it in their latest update.

Multigrid Projector - Welding Tachi's Rotor Turret

I will add the transparency level as a configuration to the projector, which will be supported by the plugin.


Instead of making it "Less Transparent" I think it would be better to give us a slider much like what they use for 'Voxel Hands' where we get to set the opacity.

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