The ability to set a maximum build state, or select one to show.

Auhrii shared this feedback 5 years ago

First, sorry for the sudden influx of posts! I've been playing the game all day and writing up a list of bugs and suggestions. This should be the final post, barring any last-minute ideas.

Another issue I've run into is wanting to have partially finished blocks in my build for aesthetics, and having to remember which components and exactly how many I can get away with adding before they move to their next build state (if I leave them at the initial state with just one component, they can be shot out instantly).

This could be solved by either letting us set a maximum build state for blocks, which they cannot be built past, or by allowing us to select any of their build states to show regardless of their actual build progress.

Replies (1)


I like this idea.

This will give people that extra element to design ships with.

However Keen also recommends blocks and grids be completely finished as unfinished blocks adds to the graphical stress.

I guess it comes down to what your CPU can handle.


Yeah, as it stands I don't think people are using unfinished blocks all that often for aesthetics, it's best used in moderation or it just looks goofy. Shouldn't be too bad what with the tuning to LODs recently though.

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