Telescopic Airlock

Jonathan Fereday shared this feedback 6 years ago

Hi. I've been playing SE for 5+ years now. and in all that time I've never seen anyone try to make this block. I've seen attempts, like the docking ring mod, and VCZ's Airtight Connector mod. but nothing that truly embodies a ship-to-ship airlock.

I would like to see the modding community try to make a fully functional telescoping airlock. that have the functionality of a piston, which is hollow, and a connector. which should be compact enough to not take up too much space, be able to extend to at least 5 meters. and be usable for both large and small block grids.

the pic is an example of the type of airlock system I'm talking about.

Replies (4)


This is something that would work very well with more survival mechanics if they made space a little more hostile



Forget the modding community though... this page is for asking Keen to make this a vanilla feature!

How about it Keen? Go on, you know you want to!

A 3x3 piston with a 1x1 walk-through hole up the middle of it and a built in conveyor tube with ports either end.

All features that already exist within the game, just needs someone to sit down & incorporate them into a single model.


I tried replicating this all-vanilla with hangar doors, merge blocks, pistons, rotors ... it looked like an exploded octopus with four of its arms missing entirely.

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