Survival kit should have small steel tube instead of, or next to girders

DrakeMithras shared this feedback 6 years ago

Wheels need small steel tubes but you can't make them with the starting survival kit.

The next tier of progression is all large blocks which using only trace materials from stone really slow down the early game.

Getting mobility right at the start of survival to get the lander moving on wheels to an iron vein for example is therefore more important than building solar panels right at the start.

Replies (2)


This is something i had too as a problem, but not having small steel tubes in the survival kit removes the ability to build some components that are much later on so i like that.

Instead I would be willing to compromise and say that small grid wheels and suspensions do not require small steel tubes and can be built from survival kit components, perhaps even the large grid wheels but that may be misused.


Thats my concern also


I think it would be better to just add the wheels to it from the start like the moon lander solar panels solar panels are important the wind generator does not work in space and on moon we need them too

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