Suggestion: Pirate difficulty change based of progression tree advancement

Trenton White shared this feedback 5 years ago

With the new proggression tree, have the pirates get gradually more difficult.

Such as the first level of progression don't have any pirates at all, just encounters. At the level of unlocking weapons have them spawn cargo and business ships for you to attack. And finally when you unlock jump drive capabilities have more advanced pirate ships spawn in, And maybe new ships altogether as well.

Replies (1)


whats wrong with just attacking the weaker ones and ignoring stuff out of your league?


What I meant in the suggestion was to have smarter ones that only spawn based on how far you made it through the progression list, so that way people who just started off in a world don't get absolutely destroyed, whereas more experienced players who would like to battle or have a reason to defend their stuff in survival will get more of a challenge.

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