Suggestion: Merging blocks if the there is no real collision

EDGE shared this feedback 3 years ago

So I've been trying to get the "Passenger seat" to fit on a small ship build but because the collision box around it is so incredibly big compared to its actual size, I've tried to come up with some ways to bypass the collision box. One way I tried to do this, is by trying to merge it in to position. Because the merging blocks registers the collision bock insted of it's actually size it prevent me from merging something that clearly has no real collision.

Replies (2)


Trying to execute this would require a complete and utter overhaul of the system that is currently in place


Funny enough, the described workaround used to work until it was killed by more stringent checks during merging in some past update.


Well truth is that the game needs a complete and utter overhaul when it comes to making the collision boxes of different blocks smaller. Like seats, pistons, rotors, hinges and their equivalent heads have a collision box that is unnecessarily big. In some cases you can't repair a broken rotor engine simply becase the collision box extends to what ever is was connected to and thereby blocks any attempt at getting it place back there. But I've already made a post about that with out anything ever being done about it. I eventually gave up trying to get my ideas built as the mechanics in this game and so called intended limitations wont allow me build any of them.


I guess the suggestion amounts to allowing supergridding, where several items can be stuffed into one grid unit. There are many occasions where that would be helpful, such as putting a "passenger seat" where there is already a light on the other side of the passage.


Blocks cannot overlap if they're placed on the same grid. Merge blocks merge blocks onto the same grid (what a lovely sentence). If you want to rely on the skin-tight collision shape instead of the bounding box, you need separate grids attached by rotors or landing gear.


I suppose that's why it's being suggested as a change request, not posted as a call for help with existing gameplay. It's hardly the player's fault for wanting to do what the physical collisions and the visual model suggest be possible, only to be stopped by the limitations the game makers (title intentionally fuzzy) couldn't make the game work without.


Yeah they also seem to be a bit selective when it comes to what's going to break the game or not as this is done with a lot of other blocks with out any issues. As long as the visual model doesn't create a real overlap the game doesn't see it as a collision after it's been connected ether. It' just one of those cases where the ones calling the shoot's doesn't understand how their own game works.

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